Logic Programming
Another method for creating dynamic variable cards, is by applying an Operator on one or more Variable Cards to produce a new Variable Card. An example of an Operator is the addition of two Numbers, resulting in a new Number.
An Operator can have one or more input values, and has one output value. In most cases the input and outputs have a certain Value Type, otherwise, they will have the Any value type. An Operator with a single input and one output Boolean is called a Predicate.
The Logic Programmer contains a large collection of Operators. It also allows you to create static Variable Cards for all Value Types. After selecting an Operator, valid Variable Cards should be inserted in the expected input slots. Finally, another Variable Card should be inserted in the output slot. If the Operator is valid, a new dynamic variable will be written to the card. Remember that the referenced Variable Cards have to be present in a Variable Store in the same network where the Operator will be evaluated.
The Logic Programmer allows you to search through the list of Operators by name using the textbox on the top. It also allows you to filter on input or output value types, by inserting a Variable Card of those types in the bottom-left slots.
If a Labeller is present in the player’s inventory. The resulting Variable Card can be labelled immediately by clicking on the ‘E’ button next to the output slot.
The Logic Programmer exists both in block-form and item-form. Both can be interchanged by placing them in a crafting grid.
Focus Search Logic Programmer
Alt + F
Rename Variable Logic Programmer
Alt + R
And&&Global name: booleanAnd(Boolean, Boolean) → BooleanMethod name: Boolean.and(Boolean) → Boolean
Or||Global name: booleanOr(Boolean, Boolean) → BooleanMethod name: Boolean.or(Boolean) → Boolean
Not!Global name: booleanNot(Boolean) → BooleanMethod name: Boolean.not() → Boolean
Nand!&&Global name: booleanNand(Boolean, Boolean) → BooleanMethod name: Boolean.nand(Boolean) → Boolean
Nor!||Global name: booleanNor(Boolean, Boolean) → BooleanMethod name: Boolean.nor(Boolean) → Boolean
Addition+Global name: numberAdd(Number, Number) → NumberMethod name: Number.add(Number) → Number
Subtraction-Global name: numberSubtract(Number, Number) → NumberMethod name: Number.subtract(Number) → Number
Multiplication*Global name: numberMultiply(Number, Number) → NumberMethod name: Number.multiply(Number) → Number
Division/Global name: numberDivide(Number, Number) → NumberMethod name: Number.divide(Number) → Number
MaximummaxTakes the largest of two values.Global name: numberMax(Number, Number) → NumberMethod name: Number.max(Number) → Number
MinimumminTakes the smallest of two values.Global name: numberMin(Number, Number) → NumberMethod name: Number.min(Number) → Number
Increment++Global name: numberIncrement(Number) → NumberMethod name: Number.increment() → Number
Decrement--Global name: numberDecrement(Number) → NumberMethod name: Number.decrement() → Number
Modulus%Global name: numberModulus(Number, Number) → NumberMethod name: Number.modulus(Number) → Number
Equals==Type one and two must be equal.Global name: anyEquals(§rAny§0, §rAny§0) → BooleanMethod name: §rAny§0.equals(§rAny§0) → Boolean
Greater Than>Global name: numberGreaterThan(Number, Number) → BooleanMethod name: Number.greaterThan(Number) → Boolean
Less Than<Global name: numberLessThan(Number, Number) → BooleanMethod name: Number.lessThan(Number) → Boolean
Not Equals!=Type one and two must be equal.Global name: anyNotEquals(§rAny§0, §rAny§0) → BooleanMethod name: §rAny§0.notEquals(§rAny§0) → Boolean
Greater Than or Equal>=Global name: anyGreaterThanOrEquals(§rAny§0, §rAny§0) → BooleanMethod name: §rAny§0.greaterThanOrEquals(§rAny§0) → Boolean
Less Than or Equal<=Global name: anyLessThanOrEquals(§rAny§0, §rAny§0) → BooleanMethod name: §rAny§0.lessThanOrEquals(§rAny§0) → Boolean
And&Global name: integerBinaryAnd(Integer, Integer) → IntegerMethod name: Integer.binaryAnd(Integer) → Integer
Or|Global name: integerBinaryOr(Integer, Integer) → IntegerMethod name: Integer.binaryOr(Integer) → Integer
Xor^Global name: integerXor(Integer, Integer) → IntegerMethod name: Integer.xor(Integer) → Integer
Complement~Global name: integerComplement(Integer) → IntegerMethod name: Integer.complement() → Integer
Left Shift<<Global name: integerLeftShift(Integer, Integer) → IntegerMethod name: Integer.leftShift(Integer) → Integer
Right Shift>>Right Shift with ones fillGlobal name: integerRightShift(Integer, Integer) → IntegerMethod name: Integer.rightShift(Integer) → Integer
Right Zero Shift>>>Right Shift with zeros fillGlobal name: integerUnsignedRightShift(Integer, Integer) → IntegerMethod name: Integer.unsignedRightShift(Integer) → Integer
LengthlenThe length of the given StringGlobal name: stringLength(String) → IntegerMethod name: String.length() → Integer
Concat+Concatenate the two given Strings to oneGlobal name: stringConcat(String, String) → StringMethod name: String.concat(String) → String
String ContainscontainsIf the given substring is contained within the given string.Global name: stringContains(String, String) → BooleanMethod name: String.contains(String) → Boolean
Contains Regexcontains_regexIf the regular expression given matches any substring of the given string.Global name: stringContainsRegex(String, String) → BooleanMethod name: String.containsRegex(String) → Boolean
Matches Regexmatches_regexIf the regular expression given matches the given string.Global name: stringMatchesRegex(String, String) → BooleanMethod name: String.matchesRegex(String) → Boolean
Index Ofindex_ofGet the index of the first occurrence of a substring matching the search term in the given string.Global name: stringIndexOf(String, String) → IntegerMethod name: String.indexOf(String) → Integer
Index Of Regexindex_of_regexGet the index of the first occurrence of a substring matching the pattern in the given string.Global name: stringIndexOfRegex(String, String) → IntegerMethod name: String.indexOfRegex(String) → Integer
Starts Withstarts_withIf the given substring matches the start of the given string.Global name: stringStartsWith(String, String) → BooleanMethod name: String.startsWith(String) → Boolean
Ends Withends_withIf the string given matches the end of the given string.Global name: stringEndsWith(String, String) → BooleanMethod name: String.endsWith(String) → Boolean
Split Onsplit_onGet a list containing pieces, split on the given (literal) delimiter, of the given string.Global name: stringSplitOn(String, String) → ListMethod name: String.splitOn(String) → List
Split On Regexsplit_on_regexGet a list containing pieces, split on the given regular expression, of the given string.Global name: stringSplitOnRegex(String, String) → ListMethod name: String.splitOnRegex(String) → List
SubstringsubstringGet a substring, from the given index (inclusive) to the given index (exclusive), of the given string.- Integer
- Integer
- String
- String
Global name: integerSubstring(Integer, Integer, String) → StringMethod name: Integer.substring(Integer, String) → String
Regex Groupregex_groupSearch for the given regular expression and return in that match the group at the given index, in the given string.- String
- Integer
- String
- String
Global name: stringRegexGroup(String, Integer, String) → StringMethod name: String.regexGroup(Integer, String) → String
Regex Groupsregex_groupsSearch for the given regular expression and return in that match a list of all its groups, in the given string.Global name: stringRegexGroups(String, String) → ListMethod name: String.regexGroups(String) → List
Regex Scanregex_scanSearch for all matches of the given regular expression and return the group at the given index, in the given string.Global name: stringRegexScan(String, Integer, String) → ListMethod name: String.regexScan(Integer, String) → List
ReplacereplaceFind all instances of the search term and replace them with the given string, in the given string.Global name: stringReplace(String, String, String) → StringMethod name: String.replace(String, String) → String
Replace Regexreplace_regexFind all matches of the search pattern and replace them with the given string, in the given string.Global name: stringReplaceRegex(String, String, String) → StringMethod name: String.replaceRegex(String, String) → String
JoinjoinCreate a joined string with the given string delimiter and the given list of strings.Global name: stringJoin(String, List) → StringMethod name: String.join(List) → String
To StringnameGet the string or name of a named object or converts it to a stringGlobal name: namedName(Named) → StringMethod name: Named.name() → String
Unique NameunameGet the unique name of an objectGlobal name: uniquely_namedUniqueName(Uniquely Named) → StringMethod name: Uniquely Named.uniqueName() → String
Round|| ||Round to the nearest IntegerGlobal name: numberRound(Number) → IntegerMethod name: Number.round() → Integer
Ceil⌈ ⌉Round up to the nearest IntegerGlobal name: numberCeil(Number) → IntegerMethod name: Number.ceil() → Integer
Floor⌊ ⌋Round down to the nearest IntegerGlobal name: numberFloor(Number) → IntegerMethod name: Number.floor() → Integer
CompactcompactShow a shorter, less precise representation of a NumberGlobal name: numberCompact(Number) → StringMethod name: Number.compact() → String
Is NulloIf the given value is nullGlobal name: anyIsNull(§rAny§0) → BooleanMethod name: §rAny§0.isNull() → Boolean
Is Not Null∅If the given value is not nullGlobal name: anyIsNotNull(§rAny§0) → BooleanMethod name: §rAny§0.isNotNull() → Boolean
Length| |The length of the given listGlobal name: listLength(List) → IntegerMethod name: List.length() → Integer
Empty∅If the list is emptyGlobal name: listIsEmpty(List) → BooleanMethod name: List.isEmpty() → Boolean
Not EmptyoIf the list is not emptyGlobal name: listIsNotEmpty(List) → BooleanMethod name: List.isNotEmpty() → Boolean
GetgetGet the list element at the given position, throws an error if the index is out of bounds.Global name: listGet(List, Integer) → §rAny§0Method name: List.get(Integer) → §rAny§0
Get Or Defaultget_or_defaultSafely get the list element at the given position, if that element is not available, return the given default value.- List
- Integer
- §rAny§0
- §rAny§0
Global name: listGetOrDefault(List, Integer, §rAny§0) → §rAny§0Method name: List.getOrDefault(Integer, §rAny§0) → §rAny§0
ContainscontainsIf the list contains the given element.Global name: listContains(List, §rAny§0) → BooleanMethod name: List.contains(§rAny§0) → Boolean
Contains Predicatecontains_pIf at least one of the elements of the list returns true for the given predicate.Global name: listContainsPredicate(List, Operator) → BooleanMethod name: List.containsPredicate(Operator) → Boolean
CountcountThe number of times the given element is found in the list.Global name: listCount(List, §rAny§0) → IntegerMethod name: List.count(§rAny§0) → Integer
Count Predicatecount_pThe number of times the given predicate returns true for the elements in the list.Global name: listCountPredicate(List, Operator) → IntegerMethod name: List.countPredicate(Operator) → Integer
AppendappendAppend to the given list the given item.Global name: listAppend(List, §rAny§0) → ListMethod name: List.append(§rAny§0) → List
ConcatconcatConcatenate the two list to each other.Global name: listConcat(List, List) → ListMethod name: List.concat(List) → List
Lazy List BuilderlazybuiltBuild a list lazily using a start value and an operator that is applied to the previous element to get a next element.Global name: anyLazyBuilt(§rAny§0, Operator) → ListMethod name: §rAny§0.lazyBuilt(Operator) → List
HeadheadGet the first element of the given list.Global name: listHead(List) → §rAny§0Method name: List.head() → §rAny§0
TailtailRemove the first element from the list.Global name: listTail(List) → ListMethod name: List.tail() → List
Unique Predicateuniq_pDeduplicate all elements in the list based on the given comparator predicate.Global name: listUniquePredicate(List, Operator) → ListMethod name: List.uniquePredicate(Operator) → List
UniquniqDeduplicate all elements in the list.Global name: listUnique(List) → ListMethod name: List.unique() → List
SlicesliceTake a subset of the given list from the given index (inclusive) to the given index (exclusive).Global name: listSlice(List, Integer, Integer) → ListMethod name: List.slice(Integer, Integer) → List
Intersection∩Returns a list of items present in both supplied listsGlobal name: listIntersection(List, List) → ListMethod name: List.intersection(List) → List
OpaqueopaqueIf the given block is opaque, non-transparentGlobal name: blockIsOpaque(Block) → BooleanMethod name: Block.isOpaque() → Boolean
ItemitemstackThe item representation of the given blockGlobal name: blockItemStack(Block) → ItemMethod name: Block.itemStack() → Item
ModmodThe name of the mod owning the given blockGlobal name: blockMod(Block) → StringMethod name: Block.mod() → String
Block Break Soundbreak_soundThe break sound of the given blockGlobal name: blockBreakSound(Block) → StringMethod name: Block.breakSound() → String
Block Place Soundplace_soundThe place sound of the given blockGlobal name: blockPlaceSound(Block) → StringMethod name: Block.placeSound() → String
Block Step Soundstep_soundThe step sound of the given blockGlobal name: blockStepSound(Block) → StringMethod name: Block.stepSound() → String
Block Is Shearableis_shearableIf the given block is shearableGlobal name: blockIsShearable(Block) → BooleanMethod name: Block.isShearable() → Boolean
Block Plant Ageplant_ageThe age of the given plant blockGlobal name: blockPlantAge(Block) → IntegerMethod name: Block.plantAge() → Integer
Block By Nameblock_by_nameGet the block corresponding to the given unique name, add space+number for indicating the metadata.Global name: stringBlockByName(String) → BlockMethod name: String.blockByName() → Block
Block Propertiesblock_propsGet the block properties as NBT compound tag.Global name: blockProperties(Block) → NBTMethod name: Block.properties() → NBT
Block Propertiesblock_with_propsGet the given block applied with the given properties.Global name: blockWithProperties(Block, NBT) → BlockMethod name: Block.withProperties(NBT) → Block
Block Propertiesblock_all_propsGet all possible block properties as NBT compound tag with list values.Global name: blockPossibleProperties(Block) → NBTMethod name: Block.possibleProperties() → NBT
SizesizeThe current stack sizeGlobal name: itemstackSize(Item) → IntegerMethod name: Item.size() → Integer
Max sizemaxsizeThe maximum stack sizeGlobal name: itemstackMaxSize(Item) → IntegerMethod name: Item.maxSize() → Integer
StackablestackableIf the item stack can hold at least two items.Global name: itemstackIsStackable(Item) → BooleanMethod name: Item.isStackable() → Boolean
DamageabledamageableIf the item can take damage.Global name: itemstackIsDamageable(Item) → BooleanMethod name: Item.isDamageable() → Boolean
DamagedamageThe current item damageGlobal name: itemstackDamage(Item) → IntegerMethod name: Item.damage() → Integer
Max Damagemax_damageThe maximum item damageGlobal name: itemstackMaxDamage(Item) → IntegerMethod name: Item.maxDamage() → Integer
EnchantedenchantedIf the item is enchantedGlobal name: itemstackIsEnchanted(Item) → BooleanMethod name: Item.isEnchanted() → Boolean
EnchantableenchantableIf the item can be enchantedGlobal name: itemstackIsEnchantable(Item) → BooleanMethod name: Item.isEnchantable() → Boolean
Repair Costrepair_costThe repair cost of the itemGlobal name: itemstackRepairCost(Item) → IntegerMethod name: Item.repairCost() → Integer
RarityrarityThe rarity of the itemGlobal name: itemstackRarity(Item) → StringMethod name: Item.rarity() → String
Strength vs BlockstrengthThe strength this item has against the given blockGlobal name: itemstackStrength(Item, Block) → DoubleMethod name: Item.strength(Block) → Double
Can Harvestcan_harvestIf the item can harvest the given blockGlobal name: itemstackCanHarvest(Item, Block) → BooleanMethod name: Item.canHarvest(Block) → Boolean
BlockblockThe block from the given itemGlobal name: itemstackBlock(Item) → BlockMethod name: Item.block() → Block
Has Fluidis_fluidstackIf the given item has a fluidGlobal name: itemstackIsFluidStack(Item) → BooleanMethod name: Item.isFluidStack() → Boolean
FluidfluidstackThe fluid from the given itemGlobal name: itemstackFluidStack(Item) → FluidMethod name: Item.fluidStack() → Fluid
Fluid Capacityfluidstack_capacityThe fluid capacity of the given item in mBGlobal name: itemstackFluidCapacity(Item) → IntegerMethod name: Item.fluidCapacity() → Integer
NBT equals=NBT=If the data components of the given items are equalGlobal name: itemstackIsNbtEqual(Item, Item) → BooleanMethod name: Item.isNbtEqual(Item) → Boolean
Raw item equals no NBT=NoNBT=If the raw items of the given stacks are equal, ignoring data components but including damage value.Global name: itemstackIsEqualNonNbt(Item, Item) → BooleanMethod name: Item.isEqualNonNbt(Item) → Boolean
Raw item equals=Raw=If the raw items of the given items are equal, ignoring NBT and damage value.Global name: itemstackIsEqualRaw(Item, Item) → BooleanMethod name: Item.isEqualRaw(Item) → Boolean
ModmodThe name of the mod owning the given itemGlobal name: itemstackMod(Item) → StringMethod name: Item.mod() → String
Fuel Burn Timeburn_timeThe fuel burn time in ticks of the given itemGlobal name: itemstackBurnTime(Item) → IntegerMethod name: Item.burnTime() → Integer
Is Fuelcan_burnIf the given item can be used as fuelGlobal name: itemstackCanBurn(Item) → BooleanMethod name: Item.canBurn() → Boolean
Tag Namestag_namesThe Tag names (strings) of the given itemGlobal name: itemstackTags(Item) → ListMethod name: Item.tags() → List
Tag Valuestag_valuesThe Tag values (items) of the given nameGlobal name: stringItemsByTag(String) → ListMethod name: String.itemsByTag() → List
Item With Stacksizewith_sizeSet the stacksize for the given itemGlobal name: itemstackWithSize(Item, Integer) → ItemMethod name: Item.withSize(Integer) → Item
Is FE Containeris_fe_containerIf the given item can hold FEGlobal name: itemstackIsFeContainer(Item) → BooleanMethod name: Item.isFeContainer() → Boolean
FE Storedstored_feThe amount of FE stored in this itemGlobal name: itemstackFeStored(Item) → IntegerMethod name: Item.feStored() → Integer
FE Capacitycapacity_feThe maximum amount of FE that can be stored in this itemGlobal name: itemstackFeCapacity(Item) → IntegerMethod name: Item.feCapacity() → Integer
Item Has Inventoryhas_inventoryIf the given item has an inventoryGlobal name: itemstackHasInventory(Item) → BooleanMethod name: Item.hasInventory() → Boolean
Item Inventory Sizeinventory_sizeRetrieve the inventory size of the given item handler contentsGlobal name: itemstackInventorySize(Item) → IntegerMethod name: Item.inventorySize() → Integer
Item InventoryinventoryRetrieve the inventory of the given item handler contentsGlobal name: itemstackInventory(Item) → ListMethod name: Item.inventory() → List
Item By Nameitem_by_nameGet the item corresponding to the given unique name, add space+number for indicating the metadata.Global name: stringItemByName(String) → ItemMethod name: String.itemByName() → Item
Item List Countitem_list_countGet the total item count of exactly the given item in a list.Global name: listItemListCount(List, Item) → IntegerMethod name: List.itemListCount(Item) → Integer
Item NBTNBT()Get the data of the given item as NBT.Global name: itemstackNbt(Item) → NBTMethod name: Item.nbt() → NBT
Has NBThas_nbtIf the item stack has data components.Global name: itemstackHasNbt(Item) → BooleanMethod name: Item.hasNbt() → Boolean
Is Mobis_mobIf the entity is a mobGlobal name: entityIsMob(Entity) → BooleanMethod name: Entity.isMob() → Boolean
Is Animalis_animalIf the entity is an animalGlobal name: entityIsAnimal(Entity) → BooleanMethod name: Entity.isAnimal() → Boolean
Is Itemis_itemIf the entity is an itemGlobal name: entityIsItem(Entity) → BooleanMethod name: Entity.isItem() → Boolean
Is Playeris_playerIf the entity is a playerGlobal name: entityIsPlayer(Entity) → BooleanMethod name: Entity.isPlayer() → Boolean
Is Minecartis_minecartIf the entity is a minecartGlobal name: entityIsMinecart(Entity) → BooleanMethod name: Entity.isMinecart() → Boolean
ItemitemThe item from the item entityGlobal name: entityItem(Entity) → ItemMethod name: Entity.item() → Item
HealthhealthThe entity healthGlobal name: entityHealth(Entity) → DoubleMethod name: Entity.health() → Double
WidthwidthThe entity widthGlobal name: entityWidth(Entity) → DoubleMethod name: Entity.width() → Double
HeightheightThe entity heightGlobal name: entityHeight(Entity) → DoubleMethod name: Entity.height() → Double
Is Burningis_burningIf the entity is burningGlobal name: entityEntityIsBurning(Entity) → BooleanMethod name: Entity.entityIsBurning() → Boolean
Is Wetis_wetIf the entity is wetGlobal name: entityIsWet(Entity) → BooleanMethod name: Entity.isWet() → Boolean
Is Crouchingis_crouchingIf the entity is crouchingGlobal name: entityIsCrouching(Entity) → BooleanMethod name: Entity.isCrouching() → Boolean
Is Eatingis_eatingIf the entity is eatingGlobal name: entityIsEating(Entity) → BooleanMethod name: Entity.isEating() → Boolean
Armor Inventoryarmor_inventoryThe list of items the entity is carrying as armor.Global name: entityArmorInventory(Entity) → ListMethod name: Entity.armorInventory() → List
Player InventoryinventoryThe list of items the player is carrying.Global name: entityInventory(Entity) → ListMethod name: Entity.inventory() → List
ModmodThe name of the mod owning the given entityGlobal name: entityMod(Entity) → StringMethod name: Entity.mod() → String
Target Blocktarget_blockThe block the given entity is currently looking at.Global name: entityTargetBlock(Entity) → BlockMethod name: Entity.targetBlock() → Block
Target Entitytarget_entityThe entity the given entity is currently looking at.Global name: entityTargetEntity(Entity) → EntityMethod name: Entity.targetEntity() → Entity
Has Gui Openhas_gui_openIf the given player has an external gui open.Global name: entityHasGuiOpen(Entity) → BooleanMethod name: Entity.hasGuiOpen() → Boolean
Held Item Mainhandheld_item_1The item the given entity is currently holding in its main hand.Global name: entityHeldItem(Entity) → ItemMethod name: Entity.heldItem() → Item
Held Item Offhandheld_item_2The item the given entity is currently holding in its off hand.Global name: entityHeldItemOffHand(Entity) → ItemMethod name: Entity.heldItemOffHand() → Item
Mounted EntitiesmountedThe entities that are currently mounted on the given entity.Global name: entityMounted(Entity) → ListMethod name: Entity.mounted() → List
Item Frame Contentsitemframe_contentsThe contents from the given Item Frame.Global name: entityItemFrameContents(Entity) → ItemMethod name: Entity.itemFrameContents() → Item
Item Frame Rotationitemframe_rotationThe rotation from the given Item Frame.Global name: entityItemFrameRotation(Entity) → IntegerMethod name: Entity.itemFrameRotation() → Integer
Entity Hurt SoundhurtsoundThe hurt sound of the given entity.Global name: entityHurtSound(Entity) → StringMethod name: Entity.hurtSound() → String
Entity Death SounddeathsoundThe death sound of the given entity.Global name: entityDeathSound(Entity) → StringMethod name: Entity.deathSound() → String
Entity AgeageThe age of the given entity.Global name: entityAge(Entity) → IntegerMethod name: Entity.age() → Integer
Entity Is Childis_childIf the given entity is a child.Global name: entityIsChild(Entity) → BooleanMethod name: Entity.isChild() → Boolean
Entity Can BreedcanbreedIf the given entity is ready to be bred.Global name: entityCanBreed(Entity) → BooleanMethod name: Entity.canBreed() → Boolean
Entity Is In Loveis_in_loveIf the given entity is in love and is ready to breed.Global name: entityIsInLove(Entity) → BooleanMethod name: Entity.isInLove() → Boolean
Entity Can Breed Withcan_breed_withIf the given entity can be breed using the given item.Global name: entityCanBreedWith(Entity, Item) → BooleanMethod name: Entity.canBreedWith(Item) → Boolean
Entity Is Shearableis_shearableIf the given entity is shearableGlobal name: entityIsShearable(Entity) → BooleanMethod name: Entity.isShearable() → Boolean
Entity NBTNBT()Get the given entity as NBT.Global name: entityNbt(Entity) → NBTMethod name: Entity.nbt() → NBT
Entity Typeentity_typeThe entity type name.Global name: entityType(Entity) → StringMethod name: Entity.type() → String
Entity Itemsentity_itemsThe items that are contained within this entity.Global name: entityItems(Entity) → ListMethod name: Entity.items() → List
Entity Fluidsentity_fluidsThe fluids that are contained within this entity.Global name: entityFluids(Entity) → ListMethod name: Entity.fluids() → List
Entity Energy Storedentity_stored_feThe amount of energy that is stored in this entity.Global name: entityEnergy(Entity) → IntegerMethod name: Entity.energy() → Integer
Entity Energy Capacityentity_capacity_feThe energy capacity of this entity.Global name: entityEnergyCapacity(Entity) → IntegerMethod name: Entity.energyCapacity() → Integer
AmountamountThe amount of mBGlobal name: fluidstackAmount(Fluid) → IntegerMethod name: Fluid.amount() → Integer
BlockblockThe block of the fluidGlobal name: fluidstackBlock(Fluid) → BlockMethod name: Fluid.block() → Block
Light levellight_levelThe light level emitted by the fluidGlobal name: fluidstackLightLevel(Fluid) → IntegerMethod name: Fluid.lightLevel() → Integer
DensitydensityThe fluid densityGlobal name: fluidstackDensity(Fluid) → IntegerMethod name: Fluid.density() → Integer
TemperaturetemperatureThe fluid temperatureGlobal name: fluidstackTemperature(Fluid) → IntegerMethod name: Fluid.temperature() → Integer
ViscosityviscosityThe fluid viscosityGlobal name: fluidstackViscosity(Fluid) → IntegerMethod name: Fluid.viscosity() → Integer
Is Lighter Than Airlighter_than_airIf the fluid is lighter than airGlobal name: fluidstackIsLighterThanAir(Fluid) → BooleanMethod name: Fluid.isLighterThanAir() → Boolean
RarityrarityThe fluid rarityGlobal name: fluidstackRarity(Fluid) → StringMethod name: Fluid.rarity() → String
Bucket empty soundsound_bucket_emptyThe bucket empty sound for the fluidGlobal name: fluidstackBucketEmptySound(Fluid) → StringMethod name: Fluid.bucketEmptySound() → String
Fluid vaporize soundsound_fluid_vaporizeThe fluid vaporize sound for the fluidGlobal name: fluidstackFluidVaporizeSound(Fluid) → StringMethod name: Fluid.fluidVaporizeSound() → String
Bucket fill soundsound_bucket_fillThe bucket fill sound for the fluidGlobal name: fluidstackBucketFillSound(Fluid) → StringMethod name: Fluid.bucketFillSound() → String
BucketbucketThe filled bucket for the fluidGlobal name: fluidstackBucket(Fluid) → ItemMethod name: Fluid.bucket() → Item
Raw fluid equals=Raw=If the raw fluids are equalGlobal name: fluidstackIsRawEqual(Fluid, Fluid) → BooleanMethod name: Fluid.isRawEqual(Fluid) → Boolean
ModmodThe name of the mod owning the given fluidGlobal name: fluidstackMod(Fluid) → StringMethod name: Fluid.mod() → String
Fluid NBTNBT()Get the data of the given fluid as NBT.Global name: fluidstackNbt(Fluid) → NBTMethod name: Fluid.nbt() → NBT
Fluid With Amountwith_amountCopy the given fluid with the given amountGlobal name: fluidstackWithAmount(Fluid, Integer) → FluidMethod name: Fluid.withAmount(Integer) → Fluid
ApplyapplyApply for a given operator a given value.Global name: operatorApply(Operator, §rAny§0) → §rAny§0Method name: Operator.apply(§rAny§0) → §rAny§0
Apply 2apply2Apply for a given operator the given two values.- Operator
- §rAny§0
- §rAny§0
- §rAny§0
Global name: operatorApply2(Operator, §rAny§0, §rAny§0) → §rAny§0Method name: Operator.apply2(§rAny§0, §rAny§0) → §rAny§0
Apply 3apply3Apply for a given operator the given three value.- Operator
- §rAny§0
- §rAny§0
- §rAny§0
- §rAny§0
Global name: operatorApply3(Operator, §rAny§0, §rAny§0, §rAny§0) → §rAny§0Method name: Operator.apply3(§rAny§0, §rAny§0, §rAny§0) → §rAny§0
Apply Napply_nApply for a given operator the given list of values.Global name: operatorApply_n(Operator, List) → §rAny§0Method name: Operator.apply_n(List) → §rAny§0
Apply 0apply0Apply for a given operator without arguments.Global name: operatorApply0(Operator) → §rAny§0Method name: Operator.apply0() → §rAny§0
MapmapApply the given operator on all elements of a list, resulting in a new list of mapped values.Global name: operatorMap(Operator, List) → ListMethod name: Operator.map(List) → List
FilterfilterFilter a list of elements by matching them all with the given predicate.Global name: operatorFilter(Operator, List) → ListMethod name: Operator.filter(List) → List
Conjunction.&&.Takes the conjunction of two predicates.Global name: operatorConjunction(Operator, Operator) → OperatorMethod name: Operator.conjunction(Operator) → Operator
Disjunction.||.Takes the disjunction of two predicates.Global name: operatorDisjunction(Operator, Operator) → OperatorMethod name: Operator.disjunction(Operator) → Operator
Negation!.Takes the negation of a predicate.Global name: operatorNegation(Operator) → OperatorMethod name: Operator.negation() → Operator
Pipe.Create a new operator that pipes the output from the first operator to the second operator.Global name: operatorPipe(Operator, Operator) → OperatorMethod name: Operator.pipe(Operator) → Operator
Pipe 2.2Create a new operator that gives its input to the first and second operators, and pipes the outputs from both of them to the third operator.- Operator
- Operator
- Operator
- Operator
Global name: operatorPipe2(Operator, Operator, Operator) → OperatorMethod name: Operator.pipe2(Operator, Operator) → Operator
FlipflipFlip the two first input parameters of an operator.Global name: operatorFlip(Operator) → OperatorMethod name: Operator.flip() → Operator
ReducereduceApply the given operator on all elements of a list to reduce the list to one value.- Operator
- List
- §rAny§0
- §rAny§0
Global name: operatorReduce(Operator, List, §rAny§0) → §rAny§0Method name: Operator.reduce(List, §rAny§0) → §rAny§0
Reduce 1reduce1Apply the given operator on all elements of a list to reduce the list to one value. reduce1(op, list) is equivalent to reduce(op, tail(list), head(list)).Global name: operatorReduce1(Operator, List) → §rAny§0Method name: Operator.reduce1(List) → §rAny§0
Operator By Nameop_by_nameGet the operator that has the given unique name.Global name: stringOperatorByName(String) → OperatorMethod name: String.operatorByName() → Operator
NBT Compound SizeNBT{}.sizeThe number of entries inside the given NBT compound tagGlobal name: nbtSize(NBT) → IntegerMethod name: NBT.size() → Integer
NBT Compound KeysNBT{}.keysThe list of keys inside the given NBT compound tagGlobal name: nbtKeys(NBT) → ListMethod name: NBT.keys() → List
NBT Compound Has KeyNBT{}.has_keyIf the given NBT compound tag contains the given keyGlobal name: nbtHasKey(NBT, String) → BooleanMethod name: NBT.hasKey(String) → Boolean
NBT Compound Entry TypeNBT{}.typeThe value type in the given NBT compound tag corresponding to the given keyGlobal name: nbtType(NBT, String) → StringMethod name: NBT.type(String) → String
NBT Compound ValueNBT{}.get_tagThe value of any type in the given NBT compound tag with the given keyGlobal name: nbtGetTag(NBT, String) → NBTMethod name: NBT.getTag(String) → NBT
NBT Compound Value BooleanNBT{}.get_booleanThe Boolean value in the given NBT compound tag with the given keyGlobal name: nbtGetBoolean(NBT, String) → BooleanMethod name: NBT.getBoolean(String) → Boolean
NBT Compound Value IntegerNBT{}.get_integerThe Integer value in the given NBT compound tag with the given keyGlobal name: nbtGetInteger(NBT, String) → IntegerMethod name: NBT.getInteger(String) → Integer
NBT Compound Value LongNBT{}.get_longThe Long value in the given NBT compound tag with the given keyGlobal name: nbtGetLong(NBT, String) → LongMethod name: NBT.getLong(String) → Long
NBT Compound Value DoubleNBT{}.get_doubleThe Double value in the given NBT compound tag with the given keyGlobal name: nbtGetDouble(NBT, String) → DoubleMethod name: NBT.getDouble(String) → Double
NBT Compound Value StringNBT{}.get_stringThe String value in the given NBT compound tag with the given keyGlobal name: nbtGetString(NBT, String) → StringMethod name: NBT.getString(String) → String
NBT Compound Value CompoundNBT{}.get_compoundThe Compound value in the given NBT compound tag with the given keyGlobal name: nbtGetCompound(NBT, String) → NBTMethod name: NBT.getCompound(String) → NBT
NBT Compound Value List NBTNBT{}.get_list_tagThe NBT List value in the given NBT compound tag with the given keyGlobal name: nbtGetListTag(NBT, String) → ListMethod name: NBT.getListTag(String) → List
NBT Compound Value Byte ArrayNBT{}.get_list_byteThe Byte Array in the given NBT compound tag with the given key as Integer ListGlobal name: nbtGetListByte(NBT, String) → ListMethod name: NBT.getListByte(String) → List
NBT Compound Value Integer ArrayNBT{}.get_list_intThe Integer Array in the given NBT compound tag with the given key as Integer ListGlobal name: nbtGetListInt(NBT, String) → ListMethod name: NBT.getListInt(String) → List
NBT Compound Value Long ArrayNBT{}.get_list_longThe Long Array in the given NBT compound tag with the given key as Long ListGlobal name: nbtGetListLong(NBT, String) → ListMethod name: NBT.getListLong(String) → List
NBT Compound WithoutNBT{}.withoutGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag without the given keyGlobal name: nbtWithout(NBT, String) → NBTMethod name: NBT.without(String) → NBT
NBT Compound With BooleanNBT{}.with_booleanGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given Boolean entryGlobal name: nbtWithBoolean(NBT, String, Boolean) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withBoolean(String, Boolean) → NBT
NBT Compound With ShortNBT{}.with_shortGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given Integer as a short entryGlobal name: nbtWithShort(NBT, String, Integer) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withShort(String, Integer) → NBT
NBT Compound With IntegerNBT{}.with_integerGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given Integer entryGlobal name: nbtWithInteger(NBT, String, Integer) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withInteger(String, Integer) → NBT
NBT Compound With LongNBT{}.with_longGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given Long entryGlobal name: nbtWithLong(NBT, String, Long) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withLong(String, Long) → NBT
NBT Compound With DoubleNBT{}.with_doubleGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given Double entryGlobal name: nbtWithDouble(NBT, String, Double) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withDouble(String, Double) → NBT
NBT Compound With FloatNBT{}.with_floatGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given Double as a float entryGlobal name: nbtWithFloat(NBT, String, Double) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withFloat(String, Double) → NBT
NBT Compound With StringNBT{}.with_stringGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given String entryGlobal name: nbtWithString(NBT, String, String) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withString(String, String) → NBT
NBT Compound With NBTNBT{}.with_tagGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given NBT entryGlobal name: nbtWithTag(NBT, String, NBT) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withTag(String, NBT) → NBT
NBT Compound With NBT ListNBT{}.with_tag_listGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given NBT List entryGlobal name: nbtWithTagList(NBT, String, List) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withTagList(String, List) → NBT
NBT Compound With Byte ListNBT{}.with_byte_listGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given Integer List as an NBT Byte Array entryGlobal name: nbtWithByteList(NBT, String, List) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withByteList(String, List) → NBT
NBT Compound With Int ListNBT{}.with_int_listGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given NBT Integer Array entryGlobal name: nbtWithIntList(NBT, String, List) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withIntList(String, List) → NBT
NBT Compound With Long ListNBT{}.with_list_longGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given NBT Long Array entryGlobal name: nbtWithListLong(NBT, String, List) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withListLong(String, List) → NBT
NBT Compound SubsetNBT{}.⊆If the first NBT compound tag is a subset of, or equal to the second NBT compound tag. This will recursively check nested tags.Global name: nbtIsSubset(NBT, NBT) → BooleanMethod name: NBT.isSubset(NBT) → Boolean
NBT Compound UnionNBT{}.∪The union of the given NBT compound tags. Nested tags will be joined recusively.Global name: nbtUnion(NBT, NBT) → NBTMethod name: NBT.union(NBT) → NBT
NBT Compound IntersectionNBT{}.∩The intersection of the given NBT compound tags. Nested tags will be intersected recusively.Global name: nbtIntersection(NBT, NBT) → NBTMethod name: NBT.intersection(NBT) → NBT
NBT Compound MinusNBT{}.∖The difference of the given NBT compound tags. Nested tags will be subtracted recusively.Global name: nbtMinus(NBT, NBT) → NBTMethod name: NBT.minus(NBT) → NBT
NBT Boolean As BooleanNBT.as_booleanGet the Boolean value of the given NBT Byte tagGlobal name: nbtAsBoolean(NBT) → BooleanMethod name: NBT.asBoolean() → Boolean
NBT Byte As IntegerNBT.as_byteGet the Integer value of the given NBT Byte tagGlobal name: nbtAsByte(NBT) → IntegerMethod name: NBT.asByte() → Integer
NBT Short as IntegerNBT.as_shortGet the Integer value of the given NBT Short tagGlobal name: nbtAsShort(NBT) → IntegerMethod name: NBT.asShort() → Integer
NBT Integer As IntegerNBT.as_intGet the Integer value of the given NBT Integer tagGlobal name: nbtAsInt(NBT) → IntegerMethod name: NBT.asInt() → Integer
NBT Long As LongNBT.as_longGet the Long value of the given NBT Long tagGlobal name: nbtAsLong(NBT) → LongMethod name: NBT.asLong() → Long
NBT Double As DoubleNBT.as_doubleGet the Double value of the given NBT Double tagGlobal name: nbtAsDouble(NBT) → DoubleMethod name: NBT.asDouble() → Double
NBT Float As DoubleNBT.as_floatGet the Double value of the given NBT Float tagGlobal name: nbtAsFloat(NBT) → DoubleMethod name: NBT.asFloat() → Double
NBT String As StringNBT.as_stringGet the String value of the given NBT String tagGlobal name: nbtAsString(NBT) → StringMethod name: NBT.asString() → String
NBT List As NBT ListNBT.as_tag_listGet the NBT List value of the given NBT List tagGlobal name: nbtAsTagList(NBT) → ListMethod name: NBT.asTagList() → List
NBT Byte Array As Byte ListNBT.as_byte_listGet the Byte List value of the given NBT Byte Array tagGlobal name: nbtAsByteList(NBT) → ListMethod name: NBT.asByteList() → List
NBT Integer Array As Integer ListNBT.as_int_listGet the Integer List value of the given NBT Integer Array tagGlobal name: nbtAsIntList(NBT) → ListMethod name: NBT.asIntList() → List
NBT Long Array As Long ListNBT.as_long_listGet the Long List value of the given NBT Long Array tagGlobal name: nbtAsLongList(NBT) → ListMethod name: NBT.asLongList() → List
NBT Byte From BooleanNBT.from_booleanCreate an NBT Byte tag from the given Boolean valueGlobal name: booleanAsNbt(Boolean) → NBTMethod name: Boolean.asNbt() → NBT
NBT Short From IntegerNBT.from_shortCreate an NBT Short tag from the given Integer valueGlobal name: shortAsNbt(Integer) → NBTMethod name: Integer.shortAsNbt() → NBT
NBT Byte From IntegerNBT.from_byteCreate an NBT Byte tag from the given Integer valueGlobal name: byteAsNbt(Integer) → NBTMethod name: Integer.byteAsNbt() → NBT
NBT Integer From IntegerNBT.from_intCreate an NBT Integer tag from the given Integer valueGlobal name: integerAsNbt(Integer) → NBTMethod name: Integer.asNbt() → NBT
NBT Long From LongNBT.from_longCreate an NBT Long tag from the given Long valueGlobal name: longAsNbt(Long) → NBTMethod name: Long.asNbt() → NBT
NBT Double From DoubleNBT.from_doubleCreate an NBT Double tag from the given Double valueGlobal name: doubleAsNbt(Double) → NBTMethod name: Double.asNbt() → NBT
NBT Float From DoubleNBT.from_floatCreate an NBT Double tag from the given Float valueGlobal name: floatAsNbt(Double) → NBTMethod name: Double.floatAsNbt() → NBT
NBT String From StringNBT.from_stringCreate an NBT String tag from the given String valueGlobal name: stringAsNbt(String) → NBTMethod name: String.asNbt() → NBT
NBT List From Tag ListNBT.from_tag_listCreate an NBT List tag from the given NBT List valueGlobal name: tagListAsNbt(List) → NBTMethod name: List.tagListAsNbt() → NBT
NBT Byte Array From Byte ListNBT.from_byte_listCreate an NBT Byte Array tag from the given Integer List valueGlobal name: byteListAsNbt(List) → NBTMethod name: List.byteListAsNbt() → NBT
NBT Integer Array From Integer ListNBT.from_int_listCreate an NBT Integer Array tag from the given Integer List valueGlobal name: intListAsNbt(List) → NBTMethod name: List.intListAsNbt() → NBT
NBT Long Array From Long ListNBT.from_long_listCreate an NBT Long Array tag from the given Long List valueGlobal name: longListAsNbt(List) → NBTMethod name: List.longListAsNbt() → NBT
NBT Path Match FirstNBT.path_match_firstApply the given NBT Path expression on the given NBT value, and return the first matchGlobal name: stringNbtPathMatchFirst(String, NBT) → NBTMethod name: String.nbtPathMatchFirst(NBT) → NBT
NBT Path Match AllNBT.path_match_allApply the given NBT Path expression on the given NBT value, and return all matches as a listGlobal name: stringNbtPathMatchAll(String, NBT) → ListMethod name: String.nbtPathMatchAll(NBT) → List
NBT Path TestNBT.path_testTest if the given NBT Path expression matches with the given NBT valueGlobal name: stringNbtPathTest(String, NBT) → BooleanMethod name: String.nbtPathTest(NBT) → Boolean
Ingredient itemsIngr.itemsThe list of itemsGlobal name: ingredientsItems(Ingredients) → ListMethod name: Ingredients.items() → List
Ingredient fluidsIngr.fluidsThe list of fluidsGlobal name: ingredientsFluids(Ingredients) → ListMethod name: Ingredients.fluids() → List
Ingredient energy elementsIngr.energiesThe list of energy elementsGlobal name: ingredientsEnergies(Ingredients) → ListMethod name: Ingredients.energies() → List
Ingredients With ItemIngr.with_itemGet a copy of the given ingredients with the given item at the given ingredient position- Ingredients
- Integer
- Item
- Ingredients
Global name: ingredientsWithItem(Ingredients, Integer, Item) → IngredientsMethod name: Ingredients.withItem(Integer, Item) → Ingredients
Ingredients With FluidIngr.with_fluidGet a copy of the given ingredients with the given fluid at the given ingredient position- Ingredients
- Integer
- Fluid
- Ingredients
Global name: ingredientsWithFluid(Ingredients, Integer, Fluid) → IngredientsMethod name: Ingredients.withFluid(Integer, Fluid) → Ingredients
Ingredients With EnergyIngr.with_energyGet a copy of the given ingredients with the given energy at the given ingredient position- Ingredients
- Integer
- Long
- Ingredients
Global name: ingredientsWithEnergy(Ingredients, Integer, Long) → IngredientsMethod name: Ingredients.withEnergy(Integer, Long) → Ingredients
Ingredients With ItemsIngr.with_itemsGet a copy of the given ingredients with the given list of items at the given ingredient position- Ingredients
- List
- Ingredients
Global name: ingredientsWithItems(Ingredients, List) → IngredientsMethod name: Ingredients.withItems(List) → Ingredients
Ingredients With FluidsIngr.with_fluidsGet a copy of the given ingredients with the given list of fluids at the given ingredient position- Ingredients
- List
- Ingredients
Global name: ingredientsWithFluids(Ingredients, List) → IngredientsMethod name: Ingredients.withFluids(List) → Ingredients
Ingredients With Energy ElementsIngr.with_energiesGet a copy of the given ingredients with the given list of energy elements at the given ingredient position- Ingredients
- List
- Ingredients
Global name: ingredientsWithEnergies(Ingredients, List) → IngredientsMethod name: Ingredients.withEnergies(List) → Ingredients
Recipe Input Ingredientsrecipe_inThe input ingredients of the given recipeGlobal name: recipeInput(Recipe) → IngredientsMethod name: Recipe.input() → Ingredients
Recipe Output Ingredientsrecipe_outThe output ingredients of the given recipeGlobal name: recipeOutput(Recipe) → IngredientsMethod name: Recipe.output() → Ingredients
Recipe With Input IngredientsRecipe.with_inGet a copy of the given recipe with the given ingredients as inputGlobal name: recipeWithInput(Recipe, Ingredients) → RecipeMethod name: Recipe.withInput(Ingredients) → Recipe
Recipe With Output IngredientsRecipe.with_outGet a copy of the given recipe with the given ingredients as inputGlobal name: recipeWithOutput(Recipe, Ingredients) → RecipeMethod name: Recipe.withOutput(Ingredients) → Recipe
Recipe With Input and Output IngredientsRecipe.with_ioCreate a recipe with the first ingredients as input, and the second ingredients as output- Ingredients
- Ingredients
- Recipe
Global name: ingredientsWithInputOutput(Ingredients, Ingredients) → RecipeMethod name: Ingredients.withInputOutput(Ingredients) → Recipe
Parseparse_booleanGlobal name: stringParseAsBoolean(String) → BooleanMethod name: String.parseAsBoolean() → Boolean
Parseparse_doubleGlobal name: stringParseAsDouble(String) → DoubleMethod name: String.parseAsDouble() → Double
Parseparse_integerGlobal name: stringParseAsInteger(String) → IntegerMethod name: String.parseAsInteger() → Integer
Parseparse_longGlobal name: stringParseAsLong(String) → LongMethod name: String.parseAsLong() → Long
Parseparse_nbtGlobal name: stringParseAsNbt(String) → NBTMethod name: String.parseAsNbt() → NBT
Choice?If the first value is true, the second value is taken, otherwise the third value.\nType two and three must be equal.- Boolean
- §rAny§0
- §rAny§0
- §rAny§0
Global name: booleanChoice(Boolean, §rAny§0, §rAny§0) → §rAny§0Method name: Boolean.choice(§rAny§0, §rAny§0) → §rAny§0
IdentityidA copy of the input value.Global name: anyIdentity(§rAny§0) → §rAny§0Method name: §rAny§0.identity() → §rAny§0
ConstantKA copy of the first input value.Global name: anyConstant(§rAny§0, §rAny§0) → §rAny§0Method name: §rAny§0.constant(§rAny§0) → §rAny§0
Cast()Global name: integerIntegerToDouble(Integer) → DoubleMethod name: Integer.integerToDouble() → Double
Cast()Global name: integerIntegerToLong(Integer) → LongMethod name: Integer.integerToLong() → Long
Cast()Global name: doubleDoubleToInteger(Double) → IntegerMethod name: Double.doubleToInteger() → Integer
Cast()Global name: doubleDoubleToLong(Double) → LongMethod name: Double.doubleToLong() → Long
Cast()Global name: longLongToInteger(Long) → IntegerMethod name: Long.longToInteger() → Integer
Cast()Global name: longLongToDouble(Long) → DoubleMethod name: Long.longToDouble() → Double