Integrated Dynamics - On the Dynamics of Integration




逻辑编程器包含大量的运算符的集合。它还允许您为所有数据类型创建静态和变量卡§r。 选择运算符后,应在预期的输入插槽中插入有效变量卡。 最后,应在输出插槽中插入另一个变量卡。如果运算符有效,则会将新的动态变量写入卡中。 请记住,引用的变量卡必须存在于运算符将被评测的同一网络中的变量卡箱中。

逻辑编程器 可以使用顶部的搜索框,通过名称搜索运算符的列表。它还允许您通过在左下角插入这些类型的变量卡输入或输出数据类型进行过滤。

如果玩家的物品栏中存在注释器。 通过点击输出插槽旁边的“E”按钮,可以立即标记产生的变量卡

逻辑编程器以方块形式和物品形式存在。 两者都可以通过将它们置于工作台中进行互换。

Crafting Table
Crafting Table
  • 门瑞欧结晶方块
  • Crafting Table
Crafting Table
Crafting Table
  • 逻辑编程器
Crafting Table
Crafting Table
  • 便携式逻辑编辑器
Key Binding
Alt + F
Key Binding
Alt + R
  • Boolean(布尔)
  • Boolean(布尔)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: booleanAnd(Boolean(布尔)Boolean(布尔)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Boolean(布尔).and(Boolean(布尔)) → Boolean(布尔)

  • Boolean(布尔)
  • Boolean(布尔)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: booleanOr(Boolean(布尔)Boolean(布尔)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Boolean(布尔).or(Boolean(布尔)) → Boolean(布尔)

  • Boolean(布尔)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: booleanNot(Boolean(布尔)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Boolean(布尔).not() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Boolean(布尔)
  • Boolean(布尔)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: booleanNand(Boolean(布尔)Boolean(布尔)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Boolean(布尔).nand(Boolean(布尔)) → Boolean(布尔)

  • Boolean(布尔)
  • Boolean(布尔)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: booleanNor(Boolean(布尔)Boolean(布尔)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Boolean(布尔).nor(Boolean(布尔)) → Boolean(布尔)

  • Number(数值)
  • Number(数值)
  • Number(数值)
Global name: numberAdd(Number(数值)Number(数值)) → Number(数值)Method name: Number(数值).add(Number(数值)) → Number(数值)

  • Number(数值)
  • Number(数值)
  • Number(数值)
Global name: numberSubtract(Number(数值)Number(数值)) → Number(数值)Method name: Number(数值).subtract(Number(数值)) → Number(数值)

  • Number(数值)
  • Number(数值)
  • Number(数值)
Global name: numberMultiply(Number(数值)Number(数值)) → Number(数值)Method name: Number(数值).multiply(Number(数值)) → Number(数值)

  • Number(数值)
  • Number(数值)
  • Number(数值)
Global name: numberDivide(Number(数值)Number(数值)) → Number(数值)Method name: Number(数值).divide(Number(数值)) → Number(数值)

  • Number(数值)
  • Number(数值)
  • Number(数值)
Global name: numberMax(Number(数值)Number(数值)) → Number(数值)Method name: Number(数值).max(Number(数值)) → Number(数值)

  • Number(数值)
  • Number(数值)
  • Number(数值)
Global name: numberMin(Number(数值)Number(数值)) → Number(数值)Method name: Number(数值).min(Number(数值)) → Number(数值)

  • Number(数值)
  • Number(数值)
Global name: numberIncrement(Number(数值)) → Number(数值)Method name: Number(数值).increment() → Number(数值)

  • Number(数值)
  • Number(数值)
Global name: numberDecrement(Number(数值)) → Number(数值)Method name: Number(数值).decrement() → Number(数值)

  • Number(数值)
  • Number(数值)
  • Number(数值)
Global name: numberModulus(Number(数值)Number(数值)) → Number(数值)Method name: Number(数值).modulus(Number(数值)) → Number(数值)

  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: anyEquals(§rAny(任意)§0, §rAny(任意)§0) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: §rAny(任意)§0.equals(§rAny(任意)§0) → Boolean(布尔)

  • Number(数值)
  • Number(数值)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: numberGreaterThan(Number(数值)Number(数值)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Number(数值).greaterThan(Number(数值)) → Boolean(布尔)

  • Number(数值)
  • Number(数值)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: numberLessThan(Number(数值)Number(数值)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Number(数值).lessThan(Number(数值)) → Boolean(布尔)

  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: anyNotEquals(§rAny(任意)§0, §rAny(任意)§0) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: §rAny(任意)§0.notEquals(§rAny(任意)§0) → Boolean(布尔)

  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: anyGreaterThanOrEquals(§rAny(任意)§0, §rAny(任意)§0) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: §rAny(任意)§0.greaterThanOrEquals(§rAny(任意)§0) → Boolean(布尔)

  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: anyLessThanOrEquals(§rAny(任意)§0, §rAny(任意)§0) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: §rAny(任意)§0.lessThanOrEquals(§rAny(任意)§0) → Boolean(布尔)

  • Integer(整型)
  • Integer(整型)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: integerBinaryAnd(Integer(整型)Integer(整型)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Integer(整型).binaryAnd(Integer(整型)) → Integer(整型)

  • Integer(整型)
  • Integer(整型)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: integerBinaryOr(Integer(整型)Integer(整型)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Integer(整型).binaryOr(Integer(整型)) → Integer(整型)

  • Integer(整型)
  • Integer(整型)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: integerXor(Integer(整型)Integer(整型)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Integer(整型).xor(Integer(整型)) → Integer(整型)

  • Integer(整型)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: integerComplement(Integer(整型)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Integer(整型).complement() → Integer(整型)

  • Integer(整型)
  • Integer(整型)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: integerLeftShift(Integer(整型)Integer(整型)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Integer(整型).leftShift(Integer(整型)) → Integer(整型)

  • Integer(整型)
  • Integer(整型)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: integerRightShift(Integer(整型)Integer(整型)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Integer(整型).rightShift(Integer(整型)) → Integer(整型)

  • Integer(整型)
  • Integer(整型)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: integerUnsignedRightShift(Integer(整型)Integer(整型)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Integer(整型).unsignedRightShift(Integer(整型)) → Integer(整型)

  • String(字符串)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: stringLength(String(字符串)) → Integer(整型)Method name: String(字符串).length() → Integer(整型)

  • String(字符串)
  • String(字符串)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: stringConcat(String(字符串)String(字符串)) → String(字符串)Method name: String(字符串).concat(String(字符串)) → String(字符串)

  • String(字符串)
  • String(字符串)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: stringContains(String(字符串)String(字符串)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: String(字符串).contains(String(字符串)) → Boolean(布尔)

  • String(字符串)
  • String(字符串)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: stringContainsRegex(String(字符串)String(字符串)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: String(字符串).containsRegex(String(字符串)) → Boolean(布尔)

  • String(字符串)
  • String(字符串)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: stringMatchesRegex(String(字符串)String(字符串)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: String(字符串).matchesRegex(String(字符串)) → Boolean(布尔)

  • String(字符串)
  • String(字符串)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: stringIndexOf(String(字符串)String(字符串)) → Integer(整型)Method name: String(字符串).indexOf(String(字符串)) → Integer(整型)

  • String(字符串)
  • String(字符串)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: stringIndexOfRegex(String(字符串)String(字符串)) → Integer(整型)Method name: String(字符串).indexOfRegex(String(字符串)) → Integer(整型)

  • String(字符串)
  • String(字符串)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: stringStartsWith(String(字符串)String(字符串)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: String(字符串).startsWith(String(字符串)) → Boolean(布尔)

  • String(字符串)
  • String(字符串)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: stringEndsWith(String(字符串)String(字符串)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: String(字符串).endsWith(String(字符串)) → Boolean(布尔)

  • String(字符串)
  • String(字符串)
  • List(列表)
Global name: stringSplitOn(String(字符串)String(字符串)) → List(列表)Method name: String(字符串).splitOn(String(字符串)) → List(列表)

  • String(字符串)
  • String(字符串)
  • List(列表)
Global name: stringSplitOnRegex(String(字符串)String(字符串)) → List(列表)Method name: String(字符串).splitOnRegex(String(字符串)) → List(列表)

  • Integer(整型)
  • Integer(整型)
  • String(字符串)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: integerSubstring(Integer(整型)Integer(整型)String(字符串)) → String(字符串)Method name: Integer(整型).substring(Integer(整型)String(字符串)) → String(字符串)

正则匹配组regex_groupSearch for the given regular expression and return in that match the group at the given index, in the given string.
  • String(字符串)
  • Integer(整型)
  • String(字符串)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: stringRegexGroup(String(字符串)Integer(整型)String(字符串)) → String(字符串)Method name: String(字符串).regexGroup(Integer(整型)String(字符串)) → String(字符串)

所有正则匹配组regex_groupsSearch for the given regular expression and return in that match a list of all its groups, in the given string.
  • String(字符串)
  • String(字符串)
  • List(列表)
Global name: stringRegexGroups(String(字符串)String(字符串)) → List(列表)Method name: String(字符串).regexGroups(String(字符串)) → List(列表)

正则扫描regex_scanSearch for all matches of the given regular expression and return the group at the given index, in the given string.
  • String(字符串)
  • Integer(整型)
  • String(字符串)
  • List(列表)
Global name: stringRegexScan(String(字符串)Integer(整型)String(字符串)) → List(列表)Method name: String(字符串).regexScan(Integer(整型)String(字符串)) → List(列表)

  • String(字符串)
  • String(字符串)
  • String(字符串)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: stringReplace(String(字符串)String(字符串)String(字符串)) → String(字符串)Method name: String(字符串).replace(String(字符串)String(字符串)) → String(字符串)

  • String(字符串)
  • String(字符串)
  • String(字符串)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: stringReplaceRegex(String(字符串)String(字符串)String(字符串)) → String(字符串)Method name: String(字符串).replaceRegex(String(字符串)String(字符串)) → String(字符串)

JoinjoinCreate a joined string with the given string delimiter and the given list of strings.
  • String(字符串)
  • List(列表)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: stringJoin(String(字符串)List(列表)) → String(字符串)Method name: String(字符串).join(List(列表)) → String(字符串)

  • 转为字符串
  • String(字符串)
Global name: namedName(转为字符串) → String(字符串)Method name: 转为字符串.name() → String(字符串)

  • 转为唯一名称
  • String(字符串)
Global name: uniquely_namedUniqueName(转为唯一名称) → String(字符串)Method name: 转为唯一名称.uniqueName() → String(字符串)

Round|| ||Round to the nearest Integer
  • Number(数值)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: numberRound(Number(数值)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Number(数值).round() → Integer(整型)

Ceil⌈ ⌉Round up to the nearest Integer
  • Number(数值)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: numberCeil(Number(数值)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Number(数值).ceil() → Integer(整型)

Floor⌊ ⌋Round down to the nearest Integer
  • Number(数值)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: numberFloor(Number(数值)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Number(数值).floor() → Integer(整型)

CompactcompactShow a shorter, less precise representation of a Number
  • Number(数值)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: numberCompact(Number(数值)) → String(字符串)Method name: Number(数值).compact() → String(字符串)

  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: anyIsNull(§rAny(任意)§0) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: §rAny(任意)§0.isNull() → Boolean(布尔)

  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: anyIsNotNull(§rAny(任意)§0) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: §rAny(任意)§0.isNotNull() → Boolean(布尔)

长度| |指定列表的长度
  • List(列表)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: listLength(List(列表)) → Integer(整型)Method name: List(列表).length() → Integer(整型)

  • List(列表)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: listIsEmpty(List(列表)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: List(列表).isEmpty() → Boolean(布尔)

  • List(列表)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: listIsNotEmpty(List(列表)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: List(列表).isNotEmpty() → Boolean(布尔)

  • List(列表)
  • Integer(整型)
  • §rAny(任意)§0
Global name: listGet(List(列表)Integer(整型)) → §rAny(任意)§0Method name: List(列表).get(Integer(整型)) → §rAny(任意)§0

  • List(列表)
  • Integer(整型)
  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • §rAny(任意)§0
Global name: listGetOrDefault(List(列表)Integer(整型), §rAny(任意)§0) → §rAny(任意)§0Method name: List(列表).getOrDefault(Integer(整型), §rAny(任意)§0) → §rAny(任意)§0

  • List(列表)
  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: listContains(List(列表), §rAny(任意)§0) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: List(列表).contains(§rAny(任意)§0) → Boolean(布尔)

  • List(列表)
  • Operator(运算符)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: listContainsPredicate(List(列表)Operator(运算符)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: List(列表).containsPredicate(Operator(运算符)) → Boolean(布尔)

  • List(列表)
  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: listCount(List(列表), §rAny(任意)§0) → Integer(整型)Method name: List(列表).count(§rAny(任意)§0) → Integer(整型)

  • List(列表)
  • Operator(运算符)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: listCountPredicate(List(列表)Operator(运算符)) → Integer(整型)Method name: List(列表).countPredicate(Operator(运算符)) → Integer(整型)

  • List(列表)
  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • List(列表)
Global name: listAppend(List(列表), §rAny(任意)§0) → List(列表)Method name: List(列表).append(§rAny(任意)§0) → List(列表)

  • List(列表)
  • List(列表)
  • List(列表)
Global name: listConcat(List(列表)List(列表)) → List(列表)Method name: List(列表).concat(List(列表)) → List(列表)

  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • Operator(运算符)
  • List(列表)
Global name: anyLazyBuilt(§rAny(任意)§0, Operator(运算符)) → List(列表)Method name: §rAny(任意)§0.lazyBuilt(Operator(运算符)) → List(列表)

  • List(列表)
  • §rAny(任意)§0
Global name: listHead(List(列表)) → §rAny(任意)§0Method name: List(列表).head() → §rAny(任意)§0

  • List(列表)
  • List(列表)
Global name: listTail(List(列表)) → List(列表)Method name: List(列表).tail() → List(列表)

  • List(列表)
  • Operator(运算符)
  • List(列表)
Global name: listUniquePredicate(List(列表)Operator(运算符)) → List(列表)Method name: List(列表).uniquePredicate(Operator(运算符)) → List(列表)

  • List(列表)
  • List(列表)
Global name: listUnique(List(列表)) → List(列表)Method name: List(列表).unique() → List(列表)

  • List(列表)
  • Integer(整型)
  • Integer(整型)
  • List(列表)
Global name: listSlice(List(列表)Integer(整型)Integer(整型)) → List(列表)Method name: List(列表).slice(Integer(整型)Integer(整型)) → List(列表)

IntersectionReturns a list of items present in both supplied lists
  • List(列表)
  • List(列表)
  • List(列表)
Global name: listIntersection(List(列表)List(列表)) → List(列表)Method name: List(列表).intersection(List(列表)) → List(列表)

  • Block(方块)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: blockIsOpaque(Block(方块)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Block(方块).isOpaque() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Block(方块)
  • Item(物品)
Global name: blockItemStack(Block(方块)) → Item(物品)Method name: Block(方块).itemStack() → Item(物品)

  • Block(方块)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: blockMod(Block(方块)) → String(字符串)Method name: Block(方块).mod() → String(字符串)

  • Block(方块)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: blockBreakSound(Block(方块)) → String(字符串)Method name: Block(方块).breakSound() → String(字符串)

  • Block(方块)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: blockPlaceSound(Block(方块)) → String(字符串)Method name: Block(方块).placeSound() → String(字符串)

  • Block(方块)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: blockStepSound(Block(方块)) → String(字符串)Method name: Block(方块).stepSound() → String(字符串)

  • Block(方块)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: blockIsShearable(Block(方块)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Block(方块).isShearable() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Block(方块)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: blockPlantAge(Block(方块)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Block(方块).plantAge() → Integer(整型)

  • String(字符串)
  • Block(方块)
Global name: stringBlockByName(String(字符串)) → Block(方块)Method name: String(字符串).blockByName() → Block(方块)

Block Propertiesblock_propsGet the block properties as NBT compound tag.
  • Block(方块)
  • NBT
Global name: blockProperties(Block(方块)) → NBTMethod name: Block(方块).properties() → NBT

Block Propertiesblock_with_propsGet the given block applied with the given properties.
  • Block(方块)
  • NBT
  • Block(方块)
Global name: blockWithProperties(Block(方块)NBT) → Block(方块)Method name: Block(方块).withProperties(NBT) → Block(方块)

Block Propertiesblock_all_propsGet all possible block properties as NBT compound tag with list values.
  • Block(方块)
  • NBT
Global name: blockPossibleProperties(Block(方块)) → NBTMethod name: Block(方块).possibleProperties() → NBT

  • Item(物品)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: itemstackSize(Item(物品)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Item(物品).size() → Integer(整型)

  • Item(物品)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: itemstackMaxSize(Item(物品)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Item(物品).maxSize() → Integer(整型)

  • Item(物品)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: itemstackIsStackable(Item(物品)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Item(物品).isStackable() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Item(物品)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: itemstackIsDamageable(Item(物品)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Item(物品).isDamageable() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Item(物品)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: itemstackDamage(Item(物品)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Item(物品).damage() → Integer(整型)

  • Item(物品)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: itemstackMaxDamage(Item(物品)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Item(物品).maxDamage() → Integer(整型)

  • Item(物品)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: itemstackIsEnchanted(Item(物品)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Item(物品).isEnchanted() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Item(物品)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: itemstackIsEnchantable(Item(物品)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Item(物品).isEnchantable() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Item(物品)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: itemstackRepairCost(Item(物品)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Item(物品).repairCost() → Integer(整型)

  • Item(物品)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: itemstackRarity(Item(物品)) → String(字符串)Method name: Item(物品).rarity() → String(字符串)

  • Item(物品)
  • Block(方块)
  • Double(双精度型)
Global name: itemstackStrength(Item(物品)Block(方块)) → Double(双精度型)Method name: Item(物品).strength(Block(方块)) → Double(双精度型)

  • Item(物品)
  • Block(方块)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: itemstackCanHarvest(Item(物品)Block(方块)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Item(物品).canHarvest(Block(方块)) → Boolean(布尔)

  • Item(物品)
  • Block(方块)
Global name: itemstackBlock(Item(物品)) → Block(方块)Method name: Item(物品).block() → Block(方块)

  • Item(物品)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: itemstackIsFluidStack(Item(物品)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Item(物品).isFluidStack() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Item(物品)
  • Fluid(流体)
Global name: itemstackFluidStack(Item(物品)) → Fluid(流体)Method name: Item(物品).fluidStack() → Fluid(流体)

  • Item(物品)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: itemstackFluidCapacity(Item(物品)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Item(物品).fluidCapacity() → Integer(整型)

  • Item(物品)
  • Item(物品)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: itemstackIsNbtEqual(Item(物品)Item(物品)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Item(物品).isNbtEqual(Item(物品)) → Boolean(布尔)

  • Item(物品)
  • Item(物品)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: itemstackIsEqualNonNbt(Item(物品)Item(物品)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Item(物品).isEqualNonNbt(Item(物品)) → Boolean(布尔)

  • Item(物品)
  • Item(物品)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: itemstackIsEqualRaw(Item(物品)Item(物品)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Item(物品).isEqualRaw(Item(物品)) → Boolean(布尔)

  • Item(物品)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: itemstackMod(Item(物品)) → String(字符串)Method name: Item(物品).mod() → String(字符串)

  • Item(物品)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: itemstackBurnTime(Item(物品)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Item(物品).burnTime() → Integer(整型)

  • Item(物品)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: itemstackCanBurn(Item(物品)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Item(物品).canBurn() → Boolean(布尔)

Tag Namestag_namesThe Tag names (strings) of the given item
  • Item(物品)
  • List(列表)
Global name: itemstackTags(Item(物品)) → List(列表)Method name: Item(物品).tags() → List(列表)

Tag Valuestag_valuesThe Tag values (items) of the given name
  • String(字符串)
  • List(列表)
Global name: stringItemsByTag(String(字符串)) → List(列表)Method name: String(字符串).itemsByTag() → List(列表)

  • Item(物品)
  • Integer(整型)
  • Item(物品)
Global name: itemstackWithSize(Item(物品)Integer(整型)) → Item(物品)Method name: Item(物品).withSize(Integer(整型)) → Item(物品)

  • Item(物品)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: itemstackIsFeContainer(Item(物品)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Item(物品).isFeContainer() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Item(物品)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: itemstackFeStored(Item(物品)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Item(物品).feStored() → Integer(整型)

  • Item(物品)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: itemstackFeCapacity(Item(物品)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Item(物品).feCapacity() → Integer(整型)

  • Item(物品)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: itemstackHasInventory(Item(物品)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Item(物品).hasInventory() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Item(物品)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: itemstackInventorySize(Item(物品)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Item(物品).inventorySize() → Integer(整型)

  • Item(物品)
  • List(列表)
Global name: itemstackInventory(Item(物品)) → List(列表)Method name: Item(物品).inventory() → List(列表)

  • String(字符串)
  • Item(物品)
Global name: stringItemByName(String(字符串)) → Item(物品)Method name: String(字符串).itemByName() → Item(物品)

  • List(列表)
  • Item(物品)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: listItemListCount(List(列表)Item(物品)) → Integer(整型)Method name: List(列表).itemListCount(Item(物品)) → Integer(整型)

  • Item(物品)
  • NBT
Global name: itemstackNbt(Item(物品)) → NBTMethod name: Item(物品).nbt() → NBT

Has NBThas_nbtIf the item stack has data components.
  • Item(物品)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: itemstackHasNbt(Item(物品)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Item(物品).hasNbt() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: entityIsMob(Entity(实体)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Entity(实体).isMob() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: entityIsAnimal(Entity(实体)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Entity(实体).isAnimal() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: entityIsItem(Entity(实体)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Entity(实体).isItem() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: entityIsPlayer(Entity(实体)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Entity(实体).isPlayer() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: entityIsMinecart(Entity(实体)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Entity(实体).isMinecart() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Item(物品)
Global name: entityItem(Entity(实体)) → Item(物品)Method name: Entity(实体).item() → Item(物品)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Double(双精度型)
Global name: entityHealth(Entity(实体)) → Double(双精度型)Method name: Entity(实体).health() → Double(双精度型)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Double(双精度型)
Global name: entityWidth(Entity(实体)) → Double(双精度型)Method name: Entity(实体).width() → Double(双精度型)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Double(双精度型)
Global name: entityHeight(Entity(实体)) → Double(双精度型)Method name: Entity(实体).height() → Double(双精度型)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: entityEntityIsBurning(Entity(实体)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Entity(实体).entityIsBurning() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: entityIsWet(Entity(实体)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Entity(实体).isWet() → Boolean(布尔)

Is Crouchingis_crouchingIf the entity is crouching
  • Entity(实体)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: entityIsCrouching(Entity(实体)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Entity(实体).isCrouching() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: entityIsEating(Entity(实体)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Entity(实体).isEating() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Entity(实体)
  • List(列表)
Global name: entityArmorInventory(Entity(实体)) → List(列表)Method name: Entity(实体).armorInventory() → List(列表)

  • Entity(实体)
  • List(列表)
Global name: entityInventory(Entity(实体)) → List(列表)Method name: Entity(实体).inventory() → List(列表)

  • Entity(实体)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: entityMod(Entity(实体)) → String(字符串)Method name: Entity(实体).mod() → String(字符串)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Block(方块)
Global name: entityTargetBlock(Entity(实体)) → Block(方块)Method name: Entity(实体).targetBlock() → Block(方块)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Entity(实体)
Global name: entityTargetEntity(Entity(实体)) → Entity(实体)Method name: Entity(实体).targetEntity() → Entity(实体)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: entityHasGuiOpen(Entity(实体)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Entity(实体).hasGuiOpen() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Item(物品)
Global name: entityHeldItem(Entity(实体)) → Item(物品)Method name: Entity(实体).heldItem() → Item(物品)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Item(物品)
Global name: entityHeldItemOffHand(Entity(实体)) → Item(物品)Method name: Entity(实体).heldItemOffHand() → Item(物品)

  • Entity(实体)
  • List(列表)
Global name: entityMounted(Entity(实体)) → List(列表)Method name: Entity(实体).mounted() → List(列表)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Item(物品)
Global name: entityItemFrameContents(Entity(实体)) → Item(物品)Method name: Entity(实体).itemFrameContents() → Item(物品)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: entityItemFrameRotation(Entity(实体)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Entity(实体).itemFrameRotation() → Integer(整型)

  • Entity(实体)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: entityHurtSound(Entity(实体)) → String(字符串)Method name: Entity(实体).hurtSound() → String(字符串)

  • Entity(实体)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: entityDeathSound(Entity(实体)) → String(字符串)Method name: Entity(实体).deathSound() → String(字符串)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: entityAge(Entity(实体)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Entity(实体).age() → Integer(整型)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: entityIsChild(Entity(实体)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Entity(实体).isChild() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: entityCanBreed(Entity(实体)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Entity(实体).canBreed() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: entityIsInLove(Entity(实体)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Entity(实体).isInLove() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Item(物品)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: entityCanBreedWith(Entity(实体)Item(物品)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Entity(实体).canBreedWith(Item(物品)) → Boolean(布尔)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: entityIsShearable(Entity(实体)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Entity(实体).isShearable() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Entity(实体)
  • NBT
Global name: entityNbt(Entity(实体)) → NBTMethod name: Entity(实体).nbt() → NBT

  • Entity(实体)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: entityType(Entity(实体)) → String(字符串)Method name: Entity(实体).type() → String(字符串)

  • Entity(实体)
  • List(列表)
Global name: entityItems(Entity(实体)) → List(列表)Method name: Entity(实体).items() → List(列表)

  • Entity(实体)
  • List(列表)
Global name: entityFluids(Entity(实体)) → List(列表)Method name: Entity(实体).fluids() → List(列表)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: entityEnergy(Entity(实体)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Entity(实体).energy() → Integer(整型)

  • Entity(实体)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: entityEnergyCapacity(Entity(实体)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Entity(实体).energyCapacity() → Integer(整型)

  • Fluid(流体)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: fluidstackAmount(Fluid(流体)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Fluid(流体).amount() → Integer(整型)

  • Fluid(流体)
  • Block(方块)
Global name: fluidstackBlock(Fluid(流体)) → Block(方块)Method name: Fluid(流体).block() → Block(方块)

Light levellight_levelThe light level emitted by the fluid
  • Fluid(流体)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: fluidstackLightLevel(Fluid(流体)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Fluid(流体).lightLevel() → Integer(整型)

  • Fluid(流体)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: fluidstackDensity(Fluid(流体)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Fluid(流体).density() → Integer(整型)

TemperaturetemperatureThe fluid temperature
  • Fluid(流体)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: fluidstackTemperature(Fluid(流体)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Fluid(流体).temperature() → Integer(整型)

  • Fluid(流体)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: fluidstackViscosity(Fluid(流体)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Fluid(流体).viscosity() → Integer(整型)

Is Lighter Than Airlighter_than_airIf the fluid is lighter than air
  • Fluid(流体)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: fluidstackIsLighterThanAir(Fluid(流体)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Fluid(流体).isLighterThanAir() → Boolean(布尔)

  • Fluid(流体)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: fluidstackRarity(Fluid(流体)) → String(字符串)Method name: Fluid(流体).rarity() → String(字符串)

Bucket empty soundsound_bucket_emptyThe bucket empty sound for the fluid
  • Fluid(流体)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: fluidstackBucketEmptySound(Fluid(流体)) → String(字符串)Method name: Fluid(流体).bucketEmptySound() → String(字符串)

Fluid vaporize soundsound_fluid_vaporizeThe fluid vaporize sound for the fluid
  • Fluid(流体)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: fluidstackFluidVaporizeSound(Fluid(流体)) → String(字符串)Method name: Fluid(流体).fluidVaporizeSound() → String(字符串)

Bucket fill soundsound_bucket_fillThe bucket fill sound for the fluid
  • Fluid(流体)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: fluidstackBucketFillSound(Fluid(流体)) → String(字符串)Method name: Fluid(流体).bucketFillSound() → String(字符串)

BucketbucketThe filled bucket for the fluid
  • Fluid(流体)
  • Item(物品)
Global name: fluidstackBucket(Fluid(流体)) → Item(物品)Method name: Fluid(流体).bucket() → Item(物品)

  • Fluid(流体)
  • Fluid(流体)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: fluidstackIsRawEqual(Fluid(流体)Fluid(流体)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: Fluid(流体).isRawEqual(Fluid(流体)) → Boolean(布尔)

  • Fluid(流体)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: fluidstackMod(Fluid(流体)) → String(字符串)Method name: Fluid(流体).mod() → String(字符串)

  • Fluid(流体)
  • NBT
Global name: fluidstackNbt(Fluid(流体)) → NBTMethod name: Fluid(流体).nbt() → NBT

Fluid With Amountwith_amountCopy the given fluid with the given amount
  • Fluid(流体)
  • Integer(整型)
  • Fluid(流体)
Global name: fluidstackWithAmount(Fluid(流体)Integer(整型)) → Fluid(流体)Method name: Fluid(流体).withAmount(Integer(整型)) → Fluid(流体)

  • Operator(运算符)
  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • §rAny(任意)§0
Global name: operatorApply(Operator(运算符), §rAny(任意)§0) → §rAny(任意)§0Method name: Operator(运算符).apply(§rAny(任意)§0) → §rAny(任意)§0

  • Operator(运算符)
  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • §rAny(任意)§0
Global name: operatorApply2(Operator(运算符), §rAny(任意)§0, §rAny(任意)§0) → §rAny(任意)§0Method name: Operator(运算符).apply2(§rAny(任意)§0, §rAny(任意)§0) → §rAny(任意)§0

  • Operator(运算符)
  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • §rAny(任意)§0
Global name: operatorApply3(Operator(运算符), §rAny(任意)§0, §rAny(任意)§0, §rAny(任意)§0) → §rAny(任意)§0Method name: Operator(运算符).apply3(§rAny(任意)§0, §rAny(任意)§0, §rAny(任意)§0) → §rAny(任意)§0

Apply Napply_nApply for a given operator the given list of values.
  • Operator(运算符)
  • List(列表)
  • §rAny(任意)§0
Global name: operatorApply_n(Operator(运算符)List(列表)) → §rAny(任意)§0Method name: Operator(运算符).apply_n(List(列表)) → §rAny(任意)§0

Apply 0apply0Apply for a given operator without arguments.
  • Operator(运算符)
  • §rAny(任意)§0
Global name: operatorApply0(Operator(运算符)) → §rAny(任意)§0Method name: Operator(运算符).apply0() → §rAny(任意)§0

遍历映射map用列表中的参数依次执行运算符 输出新的映射值列表
  • Operator(运算符)
  • List(列表)
  • List(列表)
Global name: operatorMap(Operator(运算符)List(列表)) → List(列表)Method name: Operator(运算符).map(List(列表)) → List(列表)

  • Operator(运算符)
  • List(列表)
  • List(列表)
Global name: operatorFilter(Operator(运算符)List(列表)) → List(列表)Method name: Operator(运算符).filter(List(列表)) → List(列表)

  • Operator(运算符)
  • Operator(运算符)
  • Operator(运算符)
Global name: operatorConjunction(Operator(运算符)Operator(运算符)) → Operator(运算符)Method name: Operator(运算符).conjunction(Operator(运算符)) → Operator(运算符)

  • Operator(运算符)
  • Operator(运算符)
  • Operator(运算符)
Global name: operatorDisjunction(Operator(运算符)Operator(运算符)) → Operator(运算符)Method name: Operator(运算符).disjunction(Operator(运算符)) → Operator(运算符)

  • Operator(运算符)
  • Operator(运算符)
Global name: operatorNegation(Operator(运算符)) → Operator(运算符)Method name: Operator(运算符).negation() → Operator(运算符)

  • Operator(运算符)
  • Operator(运算符)
  • Operator(运算符)
Global name: operatorPipe(Operator(运算符)Operator(运算符)) → Operator(运算符)Method name: Operator(运算符).pipe(Operator(运算符)) → Operator(运算符)

  • Operator(运算符)
  • Operator(运算符)
  • Operator(运算符)
  • Operator(运算符)
Global name: operatorPipe2(Operator(运算符)Operator(运算符)Operator(运算符)) → Operator(运算符)Method name: Operator(运算符).pipe2(Operator(运算符)Operator(运算符)) → Operator(运算符)

  • Operator(运算符)
  • Operator(运算符)
Global name: operatorFlip(Operator(运算符)) → Operator(运算符)Method name: Operator(运算符).flip() → Operator(运算符)

  • Operator(运算符)
  • List(列表)
  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • §rAny(任意)§0
Global name: operatorReduce(Operator(运算符)List(列表), §rAny(任意)§0) → §rAny(任意)§0Method name: Operator(运算符).reduce(List(列表), §rAny(任意)§0) → §rAny(任意)§0

Reduce 1reduce1Apply the given operator on all elements of a list to reduce the list to one value. reduce1(op, list) is equivalent to reduce(op, tail(list), head(list)).
  • Operator(运算符)
  • List(列表)
  • §rAny(任意)§0
Global name: operatorReduce1(Operator(运算符)List(列表)) → §rAny(任意)§0Method name: Operator(运算符).reduce1(List(列表)) → §rAny(任意)§0

Operator By Nameop_by_nameGet the operator that has the given unique name.
  • String(字符串)
  • Operator(运算符)
Global name: stringOperatorByName(String(字符串)) → Operator(运算符)Method name: String(字符串).operatorByName() → Operator(运算符)

NBT Compound SizeNBT{}.sizeThe number of entries inside the given NBT compound tag
  • NBT
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: nbtSize(NBT) → Integer(整型)Method name: NBT.size() → Integer(整型)

NBT Compound KeysNBT{}.keysThe list of keys inside the given NBT compound tag
  • NBT
  • List(列表)
Global name: nbtKeys(NBT) → List(列表)Method name: NBT.keys() → List(列表)

NBT Compound Has KeyNBT{}.has_keyIf the given NBT compound tag contains the given key
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: nbtHasKey(NBTString(字符串)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: NBT.hasKey(String(字符串)) → Boolean(布尔)

NBT Compound Entry TypeNBT{}.typeThe value type in the given NBT compound tag corresponding to the given key
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: nbtType(NBTString(字符串)) → String(字符串)Method name: NBT.type(String(字符串)) → String(字符串)

NBT Compound ValueNBT{}.get_tagThe value of any type in the given NBT compound tag with the given key
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • NBT
Global name: nbtGetTag(NBTString(字符串)) → NBTMethod name: NBT.getTag(String(字符串)) → NBT

NBT Compound Value BooleanNBT{}.get_booleanThe Boolean value in the given NBT compound tag with the given key
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: nbtGetBoolean(NBTString(字符串)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: NBT.getBoolean(String(字符串)) → Boolean(布尔)

NBT Compound Value IntegerNBT{}.get_integerThe Integer value in the given NBT compound tag with the given key
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: nbtGetInteger(NBTString(字符串)) → Integer(整型)Method name: NBT.getInteger(String(字符串)) → Integer(整型)

NBT Compound Value LongNBT{}.get_longThe Long value in the given NBT compound tag with the given key
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • Long(长整型)
Global name: nbtGetLong(NBTString(字符串)) → Long(长整型)Method name: NBT.getLong(String(字符串)) → Long(长整型)

NBT Compound Value DoubleNBT{}.get_doubleThe Double value in the given NBT compound tag with the given key
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • Double(双精度型)
Global name: nbtGetDouble(NBTString(字符串)) → Double(双精度型)Method name: NBT.getDouble(String(字符串)) → Double(双精度型)

NBT Compound Value StringNBT{}.get_stringThe String value in the given NBT compound tag with the given key
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • String(字符串)
Global name: nbtGetString(NBTString(字符串)) → String(字符串)Method name: NBT.getString(String(字符串)) → String(字符串)

NBT Compound Value CompoundNBT{}.get_compoundThe Compound value in the given NBT compound tag with the given key
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • NBT
Global name: nbtGetCompound(NBTString(字符串)) → NBTMethod name: NBT.getCompound(String(字符串)) → NBT

NBT Compound Value List NBTNBT{}.get_list_tagThe NBT List value in the given NBT compound tag with the given key
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • List(列表)
Global name: nbtGetListTag(NBTString(字符串)) → List(列表)Method name: NBT.getListTag(String(字符串)) → List(列表)

NBT Compound Value Byte ArrayNBT{}.get_list_byteThe Byte Array in the given NBT compound tag with the given key as Integer List
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • List(列表)
Global name: nbtGetListByte(NBTString(字符串)) → List(列表)Method name: NBT.getListByte(String(字符串)) → List(列表)

NBT Compound Value Integer ArrayNBT{}.get_list_intThe Integer Array in the given NBT compound tag with the given key as Integer List
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • List(列表)
Global name: nbtGetListInt(NBTString(字符串)) → List(列表)Method name: NBT.getListInt(String(字符串)) → List(列表)

NBT Compound Value Long ArrayNBT{}.get_list_longThe Long Array in the given NBT compound tag with the given key as Long List
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • List(列表)
Global name: nbtGetListLong(NBTString(字符串)) → List(列表)Method name: NBT.getListLong(String(字符串)) → List(列表)

NBT Compound WithoutNBT{}.withoutGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag without the given key
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • NBT
Global name: nbtWithout(NBTString(字符串)) → NBTMethod name: NBT.without(String(字符串)) → NBT

NBT Compound With BooleanNBT{}.with_booleanGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given Boolean entry
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • Boolean(布尔)
  • NBT
Global name: nbtWithBoolean(NBTString(字符串)Boolean(布尔)) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withBoolean(String(字符串)Boolean(布尔)) → NBT

NBT Compound With ShortNBT{}.with_shortGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given Integer as a short entry
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • Integer(整型)
  • NBT
Global name: nbtWithShort(NBTString(字符串)Integer(整型)) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withShort(String(字符串)Integer(整型)) → NBT

NBT Compound With IntegerNBT{}.with_integerGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given Integer entry
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • Integer(整型)
  • NBT
Global name: nbtWithInteger(NBTString(字符串)Integer(整型)) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withInteger(String(字符串)Integer(整型)) → NBT

NBT Compound With LongNBT{}.with_longGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given Long entry
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • Long(长整型)
  • NBT
Global name: nbtWithLong(NBTString(字符串)Long(长整型)) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withLong(String(字符串)Long(长整型)) → NBT

NBT Compound With DoubleNBT{}.with_doubleGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given Double entry
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • Double(双精度型)
  • NBT
Global name: nbtWithDouble(NBTString(字符串)Double(双精度型)) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withDouble(String(字符串)Double(双精度型)) → NBT

NBT Compound With FloatNBT{}.with_floatGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given Double as a float entry
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • Double(双精度型)
  • NBT
Global name: nbtWithFloat(NBTString(字符串)Double(双精度型)) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withFloat(String(字符串)Double(双精度型)) → NBT

NBT Compound With StringNBT{}.with_stringGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given String entry
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • String(字符串)
  • NBT
Global name: nbtWithString(NBTString(字符串)String(字符串)) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withString(String(字符串)String(字符串)) → NBT

NBT Compound With NBTNBT{}.with_tagGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given NBT entry
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • NBT
  • NBT
Global name: nbtWithTag(NBTString(字符串)NBT) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withTag(String(字符串)NBT) → NBT

NBT Compound With NBT ListNBT{}.with_tag_listGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given NBT List entry
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • List(列表)
  • NBT
Global name: nbtWithTagList(NBTString(字符串)List(列表)) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withTagList(String(字符串)List(列表)) → NBT

NBT Compound With Byte ListNBT{}.with_byte_listGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given Integer List as an NBT Byte Array entry
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • List(列表)
  • NBT
Global name: nbtWithByteList(NBTString(字符串)List(列表)) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withByteList(String(字符串)List(列表)) → NBT

NBT Compound With Int ListNBT{}.with_int_listGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given NBT Integer Array entry
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • List(列表)
  • NBT
Global name: nbtWithIntList(NBTString(字符串)List(列表)) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withIntList(String(字符串)List(列表)) → NBT

NBT Compound With Long ListNBT{}.with_list_longGet a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given NBT Long Array entry
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
  • List(列表)
  • NBT
Global name: nbtWithListLong(NBTString(字符串)List(列表)) → NBTMethod name: NBT.withListLong(String(字符串)List(列表)) → NBT

NBT Compound SubsetNBT{}.⊆If the first NBT compound tag is a subset of, or equal to the second NBT compound tag. This will recursively check nested tags.
  • NBT
  • NBT
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: nbtIsSubset(NBTNBT) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: NBT.isSubset(NBT) → Boolean(布尔)

NBT Compound UnionNBT{}.∪The union of the given NBT compound tags. Nested tags will be joined recusively.
  • NBT
  • NBT
  • NBT
Global name: nbtUnion(NBTNBT) → NBTMethod name: NBT.union(NBT) → NBT

NBT Compound IntersectionNBT{}.∩The intersection of the given NBT compound tags. Nested tags will be intersected recusively.
  • NBT
  • NBT
  • NBT
Global name: nbtIntersection(NBTNBT) → NBTMethod name: NBT.intersection(NBT) → NBT

NBT Compound MinusNBT{}.∖The difference of the given NBT compound tags. Nested tags will be subtracted recusively.
  • NBT
  • NBT
  • NBT
Global name: nbtMinus(NBTNBT) → NBTMethod name: NBT.minus(NBT) → NBT

NBT Boolean As BooleanNBT.as_booleanGet the Boolean value of the given NBT Byte tag
  • NBT
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: nbtAsBoolean(NBT) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: NBT.asBoolean() → Boolean(布尔)

NBT Byte As IntegerNBT.as_byteGet the Integer value of the given NBT Byte tag
  • NBT
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: nbtAsByte(NBT) → Integer(整型)Method name: NBT.asByte() → Integer(整型)

NBT Short as IntegerNBT.as_shortGet the Integer value of the given NBT Short tag
  • NBT
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: nbtAsShort(NBT) → Integer(整型)Method name: NBT.asShort() → Integer(整型)

NBT Integer As IntegerNBT.as_intGet the Integer value of the given NBT Integer tag
  • NBT
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: nbtAsInt(NBT) → Integer(整型)Method name: NBT.asInt() → Integer(整型)

NBT Long As LongNBT.as_longGet the Long value of the given NBT Long tag
  • NBT
  • Long(长整型)
Global name: nbtAsLong(NBT) → Long(长整型)Method name: NBT.asLong() → Long(长整型)

NBT Double As DoubleNBT.as_doubleGet the Double value of the given NBT Double tag
  • NBT
  • Double(双精度型)
Global name: nbtAsDouble(NBT) → Double(双精度型)Method name: NBT.asDouble() → Double(双精度型)

NBT Float As DoubleNBT.as_floatGet the Double value of the given NBT Float tag
  • NBT
  • Double(双精度型)
Global name: nbtAsFloat(NBT) → Double(双精度型)Method name: NBT.asFloat() → Double(双精度型)

NBT String As StringNBT.as_stringGet the String value of the given NBT String tag
  • NBT
  • String(字符串)
Global name: nbtAsString(NBT) → String(字符串)Method name: NBT.asString() → String(字符串)

NBT List As NBT ListNBT.as_tag_listGet the NBT List value of the given NBT List tag
  • NBT
  • List(列表)
Global name: nbtAsTagList(NBT) → List(列表)Method name: NBT.asTagList() → List(列表)

NBT Byte Array As Byte ListNBT.as_byte_listGet the Byte List value of the given NBT Byte Array tag
  • NBT
  • List(列表)
Global name: nbtAsByteList(NBT) → List(列表)Method name: NBT.asByteList() → List(列表)

NBT Integer Array As Integer ListNBT.as_int_listGet the Integer List value of the given NBT Integer Array tag
  • NBT
  • List(列表)
Global name: nbtAsIntList(NBT) → List(列表)Method name: NBT.asIntList() → List(列表)

NBT Long Array As Long ListNBT.as_long_listGet the Long List value of the given NBT Long Array tag
  • NBT
  • List(列表)
Global name: nbtAsLongList(NBT) → List(列表)Method name: NBT.asLongList() → List(列表)

NBT Byte From BooleanNBT.from_booleanCreate an NBT Byte tag from the given Boolean value
  • Boolean(布尔)
  • NBT
Global name: booleanAsNbt(Boolean(布尔)) → NBTMethod name: Boolean(布尔).asNbt() → NBT

NBT Short From IntegerNBT.from_shortCreate an NBT Short tag from the given Integer value
  • Integer(整型)
  • NBT
Global name: shortAsNbt(Integer(整型)) → NBTMethod name: Integer(整型).shortAsNbt() → NBT

NBT Byte From IntegerNBT.from_byteCreate an NBT Byte tag from the given Integer value
  • Integer(整型)
  • NBT
Global name: byteAsNbt(Integer(整型)) → NBTMethod name: Integer(整型).byteAsNbt() → NBT

NBT Integer From IntegerNBT.from_intCreate an NBT Integer tag from the given Integer value
  • Integer(整型)
  • NBT
Global name: integerAsNbt(Integer(整型)) → NBTMethod name: Integer(整型).asNbt() → NBT

NBT Long From LongNBT.from_longCreate an NBT Long tag from the given Long value
  • Long(长整型)
  • NBT
Global name: longAsNbt(Long(长整型)) → NBTMethod name: Long(长整型).asNbt() → NBT

NBT Double From DoubleNBT.from_doubleCreate an NBT Double tag from the given Double value
  • Double(双精度型)
  • NBT
Global name: doubleAsNbt(Double(双精度型)) → NBTMethod name: Double(双精度型).asNbt() → NBT

NBT Float From DoubleNBT.from_floatCreate an NBT Double tag from the given Float value
  • Double(双精度型)
  • NBT
Global name: floatAsNbt(Double(双精度型)) → NBTMethod name: Double(双精度型).floatAsNbt() → NBT

NBT String From StringNBT.from_stringCreate an NBT String tag from the given String value
  • String(字符串)
  • NBT
Global name: stringAsNbt(String(字符串)) → NBTMethod name: String(字符串).asNbt() → NBT

NBT List From Tag ListNBT.from_tag_listCreate an NBT List tag from the given NBT List value
  • List(列表)
  • NBT
Global name: tagListAsNbt(List(列表)) → NBTMethod name: List(列表).tagListAsNbt() → NBT

NBT Byte Array From Byte ListNBT.from_byte_listCreate an NBT Byte Array tag from the given Integer List value
  • List(列表)
  • NBT
Global name: byteListAsNbt(List(列表)) → NBTMethod name: List(列表).byteListAsNbt() → NBT

NBT Integer Array From Integer ListNBT.from_int_listCreate an NBT Integer Array tag from the given Integer List value
  • List(列表)
  • NBT
Global name: intListAsNbt(List(列表)) → NBTMethod name: List(列表).intListAsNbt() → NBT

NBT Long Array From Long ListNBT.from_long_listCreate an NBT Long Array tag from the given Long List value
  • List(列表)
  • NBT
Global name: longListAsNbt(List(列表)) → NBTMethod name: List(列表).longListAsNbt() → NBT

NBT Path Match FirstNBT.path_match_firstApply the given NBT Path expression on the given NBT value, and return the first match
  • String(字符串)
  • NBT
  • NBT
Global name: stringNbtPathMatchFirst(String(字符串)NBT) → NBTMethod name: String(字符串).nbtPathMatchFirst(NBT) → NBT

NBT Path Match AllNBT.path_match_allApply the given NBT Path expression on the given NBT value, and return all matches as a list
  • String(字符串)
  • NBT
  • List(列表)
Global name: stringNbtPathMatchAll(String(字符串)NBT) → List(列表)Method name: String(字符串).nbtPathMatchAll(NBT) → List(列表)

NBT Path TestNBT.path_testTest if the given NBT Path expression matches with the given NBT value
  • String(字符串)
  • NBT
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: stringNbtPathTest(String(字符串)NBT) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: String(字符串).nbtPathTest(NBT) → Boolean(布尔)

Ingredient itemsIngr.itemsThe list of items
  • Ingredients
  • List(列表)
Global name: ingredientsItems(Ingredients) → List(列表)Method name: Ingredients.items() → List(列表)

Ingredient fluidsIngr.fluidsThe list of fluids
  • Ingredients
  • List(列表)
Global name: ingredientsFluids(Ingredients) → List(列表)Method name: Ingredients.fluids() → List(列表)

Ingredient energy elementsIngr.energiesThe list of energy elements
  • Ingredients
  • List(列表)
Global name: ingredientsEnergies(Ingredients) → List(列表)Method name: Ingredients.energies() → List(列表)

Ingredients With ItemIngr.with_itemGet a copy of the given ingredients with the given item at the given ingredient position
  • Ingredients
  • Integer(整型)
  • Item(物品)
  • Ingredients
Global name: ingredientsWithItem(IngredientsInteger(整型)Item(物品)) → IngredientsMethod name: Ingredients.withItem(Integer(整型)Item(物品)) → Ingredients

Ingredients With FluidIngr.with_fluidGet a copy of the given ingredients with the given fluid at the given ingredient position
  • Ingredients
  • Integer(整型)
  • Fluid(流体)
  • Ingredients
Global name: ingredientsWithFluid(IngredientsInteger(整型)Fluid(流体)) → IngredientsMethod name: Ingredients.withFluid(Integer(整型)Fluid(流体)) → Ingredients

Ingredients With EnergyIngr.with_energyGet a copy of the given ingredients with the given energy at the given ingredient position
  • Ingredients
  • Integer(整型)
  • Long(长整型)
  • Ingredients
Global name: ingredientsWithEnergy(IngredientsInteger(整型)Long(长整型)) → IngredientsMethod name: Ingredients.withEnergy(Integer(整型)Long(长整型)) → Ingredients

Ingredients With ItemsIngr.with_itemsGet a copy of the given ingredients with the given list of items at the given ingredient position
  • Ingredients
  • List(列表)
  • Ingredients
Global name: ingredientsWithItems(IngredientsList(列表)) → IngredientsMethod name: Ingredients.withItems(List(列表)) → Ingredients

Ingredients With FluidsIngr.with_fluidsGet a copy of the given ingredients with the given list of fluids at the given ingredient position
  • Ingredients
  • List(列表)
  • Ingredients
Global name: ingredientsWithFluids(IngredientsList(列表)) → IngredientsMethod name: Ingredients.withFluids(List(列表)) → Ingredients

Ingredients With Energy ElementsIngr.with_energiesGet a copy of the given ingredients with the given list of energy elements at the given ingredient position
  • Ingredients
  • List(列表)
  • Ingredients
Global name: ingredientsWithEnergies(IngredientsList(列表)) → IngredientsMethod name: Ingredients.withEnergies(List(列表)) → Ingredients

Recipe Input Ingredientsrecipe_inThe input ingredients of the given recipe
  • Recipe
  • Ingredients
Global name: recipeInput(Recipe) → IngredientsMethod name: Recipe.input() → Ingredients

Recipe Output Ingredientsrecipe_outThe output ingredients of the given recipe
  • Recipe
  • Ingredients
Global name: recipeOutput(Recipe) → IngredientsMethod name: Recipe.output() → Ingredients

Recipe With Input IngredientsRecipe.with_inGet a copy of the given recipe with the given ingredients as input
  • Recipe
  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
Global name: recipeWithInput(RecipeIngredients) → RecipeMethod name: Recipe.withInput(Ingredients) → Recipe

Recipe With Output IngredientsRecipe.with_outGet a copy of the given recipe with the given ingredients as input
  • Recipe
  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
Global name: recipeWithOutput(RecipeIngredients) → RecipeMethod name: Recipe.withOutput(Ingredients) → Recipe

Recipe With Input and Output IngredientsRecipe.with_ioCreate a recipe with the first ingredients as input, and the second ingredients as output
  • Ingredients
  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
Global name: ingredientsWithInputOutput(IngredientsIngredients) → RecipeMethod name: Ingredients.withInputOutput(Ingredients) → Recipe

  • String(字符串)
  • Boolean(布尔)
Global name: stringParseAsBoolean(String(字符串)) → Boolean(布尔)Method name: String(字符串).parseAsBoolean() → Boolean(布尔)

  • String(字符串)
  • Double(双精度型)
Global name: stringParseAsDouble(String(字符串)) → Double(双精度型)Method name: String(字符串).parseAsDouble() → Double(双精度型)

  • String(字符串)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: stringParseAsInteger(String(字符串)) → Integer(整型)Method name: String(字符串).parseAsInteger() → Integer(整型)

  • String(字符串)
  • Long(长整型)
Global name: stringParseAsLong(String(字符串)) → Long(长整型)Method name: String(字符串).parseAsLong() → Long(长整型)

  • String(字符串)
  • NBT
Global name: stringParseAsNbt(String(字符串)) → NBTMethod name: String(字符串).parseAsNbt() → NBT

  • Boolean(布尔)
  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • §rAny(任意)§0
Global name: booleanChoice(Boolean(布尔), §rAny(任意)§0, §rAny(任意)§0) → §rAny(任意)§0Method name: Boolean(布尔).choice(§rAny(任意)§0, §rAny(任意)§0) → §rAny(任意)§0

  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • §rAny(任意)§0
Global name: anyIdentity(§rAny(任意)§0) → §rAny(任意)§0Method name: §rAny(任意)§0.identity() → §rAny(任意)§0

  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • §rAny(任意)§0
  • §rAny(任意)§0
Global name: anyConstant(§rAny(任意)§0, §rAny(任意)§0) → §rAny(任意)§0Method name: §rAny(任意)§0.constant(§rAny(任意)§0) → §rAny(任意)§0

  • Integer(整型)
  • Double(双精度型)
Global name: integerIntegerToDouble(Integer(整型)) → Double(双精度型)Method name: Integer(整型).integerToDouble() → Double(双精度型)

  • Integer(整型)
  • Long(长整型)
Global name: integerIntegerToLong(Integer(整型)) → Long(长整型)Method name: Integer(整型).integerToLong() → Long(长整型)

  • Double(双精度型)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: doubleDoubleToInteger(Double(双精度型)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Double(双精度型).doubleToInteger() → Integer(整型)

  • Double(双精度型)
  • Long(长整型)
Global name: doubleDoubleToLong(Double(双精度型)) → Long(长整型)Method name: Double(双精度型).doubleToLong() → Long(长整型)

  • Long(长整型)
  • Integer(整型)
Global name: longLongToInteger(Long(长整型)) → Integer(整型)Method name: Long(长整型).longToInteger() → Integer(整型)

  • Long(长整型)
  • Double(双精度型)
Global name: longLongToDouble(Long(长整型)) → Double(双精度型)Method name: Long(长整型).longToDouble() → Double(双精度型)