Integrated Dynamics - On the Dynamics of Integration


With Fluid World Importers and Fluid World Exporters, you can place fluid source blocks, pick them up and interact with entities that are a tank, such as dropped tank items. Various aspect properties exists to change things like whether or not a block update should be caused.

Crafting Table
Crafting Table
  • Fluid Exporter
  • Logic Director
World Fluid Exporter
Crafting Table
Crafting Table
  • Fluid Importer
  • Logic Director
World Fluid Importer
Place All FluidsPlace all fluids in the world.

Input: Boolean

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Cause Block Update
  • Ignore Replacable

Place FluidPlace the given fluid in the world.

Input: Fluid

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Blacklist
  • Empty is Wildcard
  • Check NBT
  • Cause Block Update
  • Ignore Replacable
  • Craft

Place FluidsPlace the given fluids in the world.

Input: List

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Blacklist
  • Check NBT
  • Cause Block Update
  • Ignore Replacable

Place Fluids PredicatePlace the given fluids in the world that match the given predicate.

Input: Operator

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Cause Block Update
  • Ignore Replacable

Place Fluids NBTPlace the given fluids in the world that match the given NBT tag.

Input: NBT

  • Channel
  • Cause Block Update
  • Ignore Replacable
  • NBT subset
  • NBT superset
  • Require Fluid NBT
  • Check NBT Recursively

Export All Fluid To EntitiesExport fluid to the facing entities if the boolean is true

Input: Boolean

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Fluid Transfer Rate
  • Check Fluid Amount
  • Entity Index

Export Fluid Amount To EntitiesExport the given amount of fluid to the facing entities each tick.

Input: Integer

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin

Export Fluid To EntitiesExport the given fluid to the facing entities.

Input: Fluid

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Blacklist
  • Empty is Wildcard
  • Fluid Transfer Rate
  • Check Fluid Amount
  • Check NBT
  • Craft
  • Entity Index

Export Fluid To EntitiesExport the given fluid to the facing entities.

Input: List

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Blacklist
  • Fluid Transfer Rate
  • Check Fluid Amount
  • Check NBT
  • Entity Index

Export Fluid Predicate To EntitiesExport all fluid that match the given predicate to the facing entities.

Input: Operator

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Fluid Transfer Rate
  • Check Fluid Amount
  • Entity Index

Export Fluid NBT To EntitiesExport all fluid that match the given NBT tag to the facing entities.

Input: NBT

  • Channel
  • NBT subset
  • NBT superset
  • Require Fluid NBT
  • Check NBT Recursively
Pick Up All FluidsPick up all fluids in the world.

Input: Boolean

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin

Pick Up FluidPick up the given fluid in the world.

Input: Fluid

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Empty is Wildcard
  • Check NBT
  • Blacklist

Pick Up FluidsPick up the given fluids in the world.

Input: List

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Blacklist
  • Check NBT

Pick Up Fluids PredicatePick up the given fluids in the world that match the given predicate.

Input: Operator

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin

Pick Up Fluids NBTPick up the given fluids in the world that match the given NBT tag.

Input: NBT

  • Channel
  • NBT subset
  • NBT superset
  • Require Fluid NBT
  • Check NBT Recursively

Import All Fluid From EntitiesImport fluid from the facing entities if the boolean is true

Input: Boolean

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Fluid Transfer Rate
  • Check Fluid Amount
  • Entity Index

Import Fluid Amount From EntitiesImport the given amount of fluid from the facing entities each tick.

Input: Integer

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin

Import Fluid From EntitiesImport the given fluid from the facing entities.

Input: Fluid

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Blacklist
  • Empty is Wildcard
  • Fluid Transfer Rate
  • Check Fluid Amount
  • Check NBT
  • Entity Index

Import Fluid From EntitiesImport the given fluid from the facing entities.

Input: List

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Blacklist
  • Fluid Transfer Rate
  • Check Fluid Amount
  • Check NBT
  • Entity Index

Import Fluid Predicate From EntitiesImport all fluid that match the given predicate from the facing entities.

Input: Operator

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Fluid Transfer Rate
  • Check Fluid Amount
  • Entity Index

Import Fluid NBT From EntitiesImport all fluid that match the given NBT tag from the facing entities.

Input: NBT

  • Channel
  • NBT subset
  • NBT superset
  • Require Fluid NBT
  • Check NBT Recursively