Integrated Dynamics - On the Dynamics of Integration

Basic Network Components

One of the methods for binding Variable Cards to certain values, is by reading in values from Readers. Let’s start by crafting some basic readers. After that, craft a Display Panel, which is useful for displaying the values of Variable Cards.

Crafting Table
Crafting Table
  • Block of Redstone
  • Redstone Dust
  • Input Variable Transformer
  • Redstone Dust
Redstone Reader
Crafting Table
Crafting Table
  • Cobblestone
  • Infested Cobblestone
  • Mossy Cobblestone
  • Cobbled Deepslate
  • Dirt
  • Cobblestone
  • Infested Cobblestone
  • Mossy Cobblestone
  • Cobbled Deepslate
  • Dirt
  • Input Variable Transformer
  • Dirt
  • Cobblestone
  • Infested Cobblestone
  • Mossy Cobblestone
  • Cobbled Deepslate
  • Dirt
  • Cobblestone
  • Infested Cobblestone
  • Mossy Cobblestone
  • Cobbled Deepslate
Block Reader
Crafting Table
Crafting Table
  • Chest
  • Trapped Chest
  • Chest
  • Trapped Chest
  • Input Variable Transformer
  • Chest
  • Trapped Chest
Inventory Reader
Crafting Table
Crafting Table
  • Furnace
  • Iron Ingot
  • Input Variable Transformer
  • Iron Ingot
  • Crafting Table
Machine Reader
Crafting Table
Crafting Table
  • Menril Berries
  • Menril Berries
  • Output Variable Transformer
  • Redstone Dust
  • Menril Berries
Static Light Panel
Crafting Table
Crafting Table
  • Menril Berries
  • Static Light Panel
  • Output Variable Transformer
  • Static Light Panel
  • Menril Berries
Display Panel
  • Redstone ReadingCraft a Redstone Reader
  • Block ReadingCraft a Block Reader
  • Inventory ReadingCraft an Inventory Reader
  • Machine ReadingCraft a Machine Reader
  • Value DisplayingCraft a Display Panel
Variable Card10
Display Panel5