Integrated Dynamics - On the Dynamics of Integration


Item World Importers and Item World Exporters can be used to place items in the world, pick them up, and interact with entities that have an inventory, such as dropped Shulker Boxes and Donkeys. Various aspect properties exists to change things like dispensing, throw-velocity, pickup delay, pitch and yaw.

Crafting Table
Crafting Table
  • Item Exporter
  • Logic Director
World Item Exporter
Crafting Table
Crafting Table
  • Item Importer
  • Logic Director
World Item Importer
Place All Item EntitiesPlace all items into the world.

Input: Boolean

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Dispense
  • Offset X
  • Offset Y
  • Offset Z
  • Lifespan (ticks)
  • Pickup Delay (ticks)
  • Velocity
  • Yaw
  • Pitch
  • Item Transfer Rate

Place Item EntitiesPlace the given amount of items into the world.

Input: Integer

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Dispense
  • Offset X
  • Offset Y
  • Offset Z
  • Lifespan (ticks)
  • Pickup Delay (ticks)
  • Velocity
  • Yaw
  • Pitch

Place Item EntityPlace the item into the world.

Input: Item

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Dispense
  • Offset X
  • Offset Y
  • Offset Z
  • Lifespan (ticks)
  • Pickup Delay (ticks)
  • Velocity
  • Yaw
  • Pitch
  • Item Transfer Rate
  • Check Stack Size
  • Check NBT
  • Blacklist
  • Empty is Wildcard
  • Craft

Place Item EntitiesPlace the given items into the world.

Input: List

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Dispense
  • Offset X
  • Offset Y
  • Offset Z
  • Lifespan (ticks)
  • Pickup Delay (ticks)
  • Velocity
  • Yaw
  • Pitch
  • Item Transfer Rate
  • Check Stack Size
  • Check NBT
  • Blacklist
  • Empty is Wildcard
  • Craft

Place Item Entities PredicatePlace the item entities into the world that match the given predicate.

Input: Operator

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Dispense
  • Offset X
  • Offset Y
  • Offset Z
  • Lifespan (ticks)
  • Pickup Delay (ticks)
  • Velocity
  • Yaw
  • Pitch
  • Item Transfer Rate

Place Item Entities NBTPlace the item entities into the world that match the given NBT tag.

Input: NBT

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Dispense
  • Offset X
  • Offset Y
  • Offset Z
  • Lifespan (ticks)
  • Pickup Delay (ticks)
  • Velocity
  • Yaw
  • Pitch
  • Item Transfer Rate
  • Blacklist
  • NBT subset
  • NBT superset
  • Require Item NBT
  • Check NBT Recursively

Export All Items To EntitiesExport items to the facing entities if the boolean is true

Input: Boolean

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Item Transfer Rate
  • Item Slot
  • Check Stack Size
  • Entity Index

Export Item Amount To EntitiesExport the given amount of items to the facing entities each tick.

Input: Integer

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Item Slot
  • Check Stack Size
  • Entity Index

Export Item To EntitiesExport the given items to the facing entities.

Input: Item

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Blacklist
  • Item Transfer Rate
  • Item Slot
  • Check Stack Size
  • Check NBT
  • Empty is Wildcard
  • Craft
  • Entity Index

Export Items To EntitiesExport the given items to the facing entities.

Input: List

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Blacklist
  • Item Transfer Rate
  • Item Slot
  • Check Stack Size
  • Check NBT
  • Empty is Wildcard
  • Entity Index

Export Items Predicate To EntitiesExport all items that match the given predicate to the facing entities.

Input: Operator

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Item Transfer Rate
  • Item Slot
  • Check Stack Size
  • Entity Index

Export Items NBT To EntitiesExport all items that match the given NBT tag to the facing entities.

Input: NBT

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Blacklist
  • Item Transfer Rate
  • Item Slot
  • NBT subset
  • NBT superset
  • Require Item NBT
  • Check NBT Recursively
  • Entity Index
Pick Up All Item EntitiesPick up all items from the world.

Input: Boolean

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Ignore Pickup Delay
  • Item Transfer Rate

Pick Up Item EntitiesPick up the given amount of items from the world.

Input: Integer

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Check Stack Size
  • Check NBT
  • Ignore Pickup Delay

Pick Up Item EntityPick up the item from the world.

Input: Item

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Check Stack Size
  • Check NBT
  • Ignore Pickup Delay
  • Item Transfer Rate
  • Blacklist
  • Empty is Wildcard

Pick Up Item EntitiesPick up the given items from the world.

Input: List

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Check Stack Size
  • Check NBT
  • Ignore Pickup Delay
  • Item Transfer Rate
  • Blacklist
  • Empty is Wildcard

Pick Up Item Entities PredicatePick up the item entities from the world that match the given predicate.

Input: Operator

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Ignore Pickup Delay
  • Item Transfer Rate

Pick Up Item Entities NBTPick up the item entities from the world that match the given NBT tag.

Input: NBT

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Blacklist
  • Ignore Pickup Delay
  • Item Transfer Rate
  • NBT subset
  • NBT superset
  • Require Item NBT
  • Check NBT Recursively

Import All Items From EntitiesImport items from the facing entities if the boolean is true

Input: Boolean

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Item Transfer Rate
  • Item Slot
  • Check Stack Size
  • Entity Index

Import Item Amount From EntitiesImport the given amount of items from the facing entities each tick.

Input: Integer

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Item Slot
  • Check Stack Size
  • Entity Index

Import Item From EntitiesImport the given items from the facing entities.

Input: Item

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Blacklist
  • Item Transfer Rate
  • Item Slot
  • Check Stack Size
  • Check NBT
  • Empty is Wildcard
  • Craft
  • Entity Index

Import Items From EntitiesImport the given items from the facing entities.

Input: List

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Blacklist
  • Item Transfer Rate
  • Item Slot
  • Check Stack Size
  • Check NBT
  • Empty is Wildcard
  • Entity Index

Import Items Predicate From EntitiesImport all items that match the given predicate from the facing entities.

Input: Operator

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Blacklist
  • Item Transfer Rate
  • Item Slot
  • Check Stack Size
  • Check NBT
  • Empty is Wildcard
  • Entity Index

Import Items NBT From EntitiesImport all items that match the given NBT tag from the facing entities.

Input: NBT

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Blacklist
  • Item Transfer Rate
  • Item Slot
  • NBT subset
  • NBT superset
  • Require Item NBT
  • Check NBT Recursively
  • Entity Index