Integrated Dynamics - On the Dynamics of Integration


The Energy World Importers and Fluid World Exporters help you interact with entities that have an energy buffer, such as dropped batteries.

Crafting Table
Crafting Table
  • Energy Exporter
  • Logic Director
World Energy Exporter
Crafting Table
Crafting Table
  • Energy Importer
  • Logic Director
World Energy Importer
Export All Energy To EntitiesExport energy to the facing entities if the boolean is true

Input: Boolean

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Energy Transfer Rate
  • Check Energy Amount
  • Entity Index

Export Energy Amount To EntitiesExport the given amount of Energy to the facing entities each tick.

Input: Long

  • Channel
  • Entity Index
  • Craft
Import All Energy From EntitiesImport energy from the facing entities if the boolean is true

Input: Boolean

  • Channel
  • Round-Robin
  • Energy Transfer Rate
  • Check Energy Amount
  • Entity Index

Import Energy Amount From EntitiesImport the given amount of energy from the facing entities each tick.

Input: Long

  • Channel
  • Entity Index