Move items over the network. Import items into the network using Item Importers into Item Interfaces. Export items from the network using Item Exporters from Item Interfaces. Dynamically filter what items can go through an interface using a Filtering Item Interfaces.
Export All ItemsExport items if the boolean is true
Input: Boolean
- Channel
- Round-Robin
- Item Transfer Rate
- Item Slot
- Passive Interaction
- Check Stack Size
Export Item AmountExport the given amount of items each tick.
Input: Integer
- Channel
- Round-Robin
- Item Slot
- Passive Interaction
- Check Stack Size
Export Item SlotExport items to the given slot. -1 is any slot, -2 or less is no slot.
Input: Integer
- Channel
- Round-Robin
- Item Transfer Rate
- Passive Interaction
- Check Stack Size
Export ItemExport the given item.
Input: Item
- Channel
- Round-Robin
- Blacklist
- Item Transfer Rate
- Item Slot
- Passive Interaction
- Check Stack Size
- Check NBT
- Empty is Wildcard
- Craft
Export ItemsExport the given items.
Input: List
- Channel
- Round-Robin
- Blacklist
- Item Transfer Rate
- Item Slot
- Passive Interaction
- Check Stack Size
- Check NBT
Export Items PredicateExport all items that match the given predicate.
Input: Operator
- Channel
- Round-Robin
- Item Transfer Rate
- Item Slot
- Passive Interaction
- Check Stack Size
Export Items NBTExport all items that match the given NBT tag.
Input: NBT
- Channel
- Round-Robin
- Blacklist
- Item Transfer Rate
- Item Slot
- Passive Interaction
- NBT subset
- NBT superset
- Require Item NBT
- Check NBT Recursively
Import All ItemsImport items if the boolean is true
Input: Boolean
- Channel
- Round-Robin
- Item Transfer Rate
- Item Slot
- Passive Interaction
- Check Stack Size
Import Item AmountImport the given amount of items each tick.
Input: Integer
- Channel
- Round-Robin
- Item Slot
- Passive Interaction
- Check Stack Size
Import Item SlotImport items from the given slot. -1 is any slot, -2 or less is no slot.
Input: Integer
- Channel
- Round-Robin
- Item Transfer Rate
- Passive Interaction
- Check Stack Size
Import ItemImport the given item.
Input: Item
- Channel
- Round-Robin
- Blacklist
- Item Transfer Rate
- Item Slot
- Passive Interaction
- Check Stack Size
- Check NBT
- Empty is Wildcard
Import ItemsImport the given items.
Input: List
- Channel
- Round-Robin
- Blacklist
- Item Transfer Rate
- Item Slot
- Passive Interaction
- Check Stack Size
- Check NBT
Import Items PredicateImport all items that match the given predicate.
Input: Operator
- Channel
- Round-Robin
- Item Transfer Rate
- Item Slot
- Passive Interaction
- Check Stack Size
Import Items NBTImport all items that match the given NBT tag.
Input: NBT
- Channel
- Round-Robin
- Blacklist
- Item Transfer Rate
- Item Slot
- Passive Interaction
- NBT subset
- NBT superset
- Require Item NBT
- Check NBT Recursively
Filter All ItemsPass items if the boolean is true
Input: Boolean
- Apply to Insertions
- Apply to Extractions
- Allow if not applied
Filter ItemOnly pass the given item.
Input: Item
- Apply to Insertions
- Apply to Extractions
- Allow if not applied
- Blacklist
- Item Transfer Rate
- Check Stack Size
- Check NBT
- Empty is Wildcard
Filter ItemsPass the given items.
Input: List
- Apply to Insertions
- Apply to Extractions
- Allow if not applied
- Blacklist
- Item Transfer Rate
- Check Stack Size
- Check NBT
- Empty is Wildcard
Filter Items PredicatePass all items that match the given predicate.
Input: Operator
- Apply to Insertions
- Apply to Extractions
- Allow if not applied
Filter Items NBTPass all items that match the given NBT tag.
Input: NBT
- Apply to Insertions
- Apply to Extractions
- Allow if not applied
- Blacklist
- NBT subset
- NBT superset
- Require Item NBT
- Check NBT Recursively