Integrated Dynamics - On the Dynamics of Integration

Variable Store

Some dynamic variables are evaluated based on other variables, where access to those referenced variables must be possible. A dynamic variable representing the addition of two other variables must be able to access those two other variables when it is evaluated. Access to those other variables must be possible within the same network as where the dynamic variable is being evaluated, which can be done by placing the other variable cards in a Variable Store. Multiple Variable Stores can be present in a network. Those other variables may also reference certain variables, which should also be present in that same network.

Crafting Table
Crafting Table
  • Crystallized Menril Chunk
  • Block of Crystallized Menril
  • Crystallized Menril Chunk
  • Crystallized Menril Chunk
  • Chest
  • Trapped Chest
  • Crystallized Menril Chunk
  • Crystallized Menril Chunk
  • Block of Crystallized Menril
  • Crystallized Menril Chunk
Variable Store