Integrated Dynamics - On the Dynamics of Integration


For too long, automation possibilities have been too limited. Integrated Dynamics aims to be the go-to mod for automating your logic systems. It does this by providing an expressive immersive logic programming experience with hooks and support for most elements of Minecraft and its modifications.

Redstone circuits have always been a very basic, but workable and easily understandable method for automation. The basicness of redstone is however also an inconvenience. For automation networks with higher complexities, redstone circuits can become very large and consequently also difficult to manage. Furthermore, one small water-leak can cause major headaches to every redstoner.

The goal of this book is twofold. First, a tutorial is provided for learning the most important concepts behind this mod. Secondly, a detailed manual of all elements and mechanisms are explained for players that are not not interested in the tutorial.

You can navigate through this book by clicking on the arrows at the bottom, shift clicking will flip through whole sections instead of single pages. At the start of large sections you will see a content table which will contain hyperlinks to its subsections for faster browsing. When you come across recipes, the items that are explained in this book are clickable as a fast reference to the section they are explained in. You will also notice a button at the top left of this book, which will take you to the section above your current one. The button at the top right corner will go back to the previously visited page each time when clicked.